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(ordinato per Autore) su:
America (A-NAT) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1193
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1740


Holtzschue, Karl B.
Purchase and sale of real property / by Karl B. Holtzschue, principal author and general editor
New York - M. Bender, c1988-
Testo Monografico

Holy Spirit consultation (1985 ; Brookline, Massachusetts)
Spirit of truth - ecumenical perspectives on the Holy Spirit - papers of the Holy Spirit consultation, Commision on faith and order, NCCCUSA, October 24-25, 1985, Brookline, Massachusetts / edited by Theodore Stylianopoulos and S. Mark Heim
Brookline, Massachusetts - Holy cross orthodox press, ©1986
Testo Monografico

Holzhauser, Curt A.
Wind-tunnel and flight investigations of the use of leading-edge area suction for the purpose ... / by Curt A. Holzhauser and Richard S. Bray
Washington - U.S. Government printing office, 1956
Incluso in > Report / National advisory committee for aeronautics
Testo Monografico

Homberger, Eric
Atlas historique de l'Amérique du Nord - Etats-Unis, Mexique, Canada- une lutte pour l'espace / Eric Homberger ; traduction de l'anglais par Camille Cantoni ; révisée et préfacée par Hélène Trocmé
Paris - Autrement, 1996
Testo Monografico

Homberger, Eric
The Penguin historical atlas of North America / Eric Homberger
London etc. - Viking, 1995
Testo Monografico

Hombs, Mary Ellen
Homelessness in America - a forced march to nowhere / by Mary Ellen Hombs and Mitch Snyder ; with a foreword by Daniel Berrigan
Washington - Community for creative non-violence, 1986
Testo Monografico

Homet, Marcel F.
Alla ricerca degli dei solari / Di Marcel Homet ; Traduzione di Marisa Sanfelice
Milano - Longanesi, 1976
Testo Monografico

Homet, Marcel F.
Alla ricerca degli dei solari / Marcel Homet
Milano - Sugar, 1973
Testo Monografico

Homet, Marcel F.
Chan-Chan la misteriosa
Milano - SugarCo, 1974
Testo Monografico

Homet, Marcel F.
I figli del sole / Marcel F. Homet
Torino - MEB, 1972
Testo Monografico

Homsher, Deborah
Women & guns - politics and the culture of firearms in America / Deborah Homsher
Armonk ; London - Sharpe, c2001
Testo Monografico

Hondius, Iodocus (1563-1612)
Map of the world / by Jodocus Hondius ; edit by Eduard Luther Stevenson and Joseph Fischer ; issued under the jointh auspices of the American geographical society and the Hispanic society of America
New York - (s.n.), 1907
Testo Monografico

1- Periodo colonial, republica federal de Centro America y tratados bilaterales con Costa Rica
Tegucigalpa - (s.n.), 1954
Incluso in > Tratados internacionales
Testo Monografico

Honecker, Erich
Intervista concessa dal Primo Segretario del CC della SED Erich Honecker all'agenzia di stampa USA "The Associated Press"
Berlin - Panorama DDR, dopo il 1974
Testo Monografico

Honey, John C.
Toward strategies for public administration development in Latin America / John C. Honey ; with commentaries by Peter D. Bell ... (ed altri
Syracuse - Syracuse University Press, c1968
Testo Monografico

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