Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 439 di 7048       

Commissione episcopale per la cooperazione tra le chiese
Impegno ecclesiale di comunione - Italia-America Latina - documento della Commissione Episcopale per la Cooperazione tra le Chiese
°Bologna - Editrice Missionaria Italiana, stampa 1978
Testo Monografico

Commissione episcopale per la cooperazione tra le chiese
Impegno ecclesiale di comunione Italia-America latina - documento della Commissione episcopale per la cooperazione tra le Chiese / ?a cura del CEIAL?
Bologna - Editrice missionaria italiana, 1978
Testo Monografico

Commissione europea
EU environment guide 1996 / The EU Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium
(S.l - s.e.), c. 1995
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Commissione europea
European Union, Latin America, Caribbean - advancing together / European Commission
Luxembourg - European Commission, 1999
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Commissione europea - Direzione generale Istruzione, formazione e gioventů
Continuing vocational training- *Europe, Japan and the United States of America / European commission, Directorate general 22
Luxembourg - Office for official publications of the European communities, 1997
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Commissione europea - Direzione generale Relazioni esterne
Central American integration - whats's next? ?The integration process in Central America and the role of the European Union / European Commission, Externatl Relations
Luxembourg - office for official publications of the European Communitis, 2004
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Commissione per la pace italo-americana
The United States of America exrel - Albert Flegenheimer - vs. the Italian Republic G. Sauser Hall, third member - Alexander J. Matturri, the representative of the U.S.A., Antonio Sorrentino, the representative of the Italian Republic, september 20, 1959
Roma - Tip. DAPCO, (1958)
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Committe on national formulary (Stati Uniti d'America)
National formulary 12 - official from September 1, 1965 / prepared by the Committee on National Formulary under the supervision of the Council, by authority of the American Pharmaceutical Association
Washington - American Pharmaceutical Association, 1965
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Committe on the causes of industrial peace
Fundamentals of labor peace - a final report by the Committee on the causes of industrial peace, under collective bargaining of the National Planning Association
Washington - National Planning Association, 1954
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Committee for a study of public-sector requirements for a small aircraft transportation system
Future flight - a review of the small aircraft transportation system concept / Committee for a study of public-sector requirements for a small aircraft transportation system, Transportation research board, National research council
Washington - National academy press, 2002
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Committee for economic development
Britain's economic problem and its meaning for America - a statement on national policy / by The Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for economic development
New York - Committee for economic development, 1953
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Committee for economic development
Fiscal and monetary policy for high employment - A statement on national policy by the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development
New York, 1962
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Committee for economic development
Progresso sovietico contro iniziativa americana - da una serie di "rapporti" confidenziali tenuti al Committee for Economic Development (CED) degli Stati Uniti, il 21 novembre 1957
Torino - Einaudi, (1958
Testo Monografico

Committee for economic development
Progresso sovietico contro iniziativa americana - da una serie di rapporti confidenziali tenuti al Committee for economic development (CED) degli Stati Uniti, il 21 novembre 1957
Torino - G. Einaudi, 1958
Testo Monografico

Committee for economic development
Soviet progress vs. american enterprise - Report of a confidential briefing session held at the fifteenth anniversary meeting of the committee for economic development, on november 21, 1957, in Washington, D.C
N.Y. - Boubleday & Company, Inc. Ganden City, 1958
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