Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 2409 di 7048       

Hosseini, Khaled
Zhui feng zheng de ren / Kaleide Husaini zhu ; Li Jihong yi
Shanghai - Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 2006
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Hosterman, John W.
Bentonite and fuller's earth resources of the United States - a compilation on the uses, geology, mineralogy and distribution of bentonite and fuller's earth in the United States / by John W. Hosterman and Sam H. Patterson
Washington - United States government printing office, 1992
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Hostetler, John Andrew
The Hutterites in North America / by John A. Hostetler and Gertrude Enders Hunteington
New York - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967
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Hostos, Eugenio Maria - de
El dia de América. Ayacucho / Eugenio Maria de Hostos
México - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México etc. , stampa 1978
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Hostos, Eugenio Maria - de
Moral social ; Sociologia / Eugenio Maria de Hostos ; prologo y cronologia Manuel Maldonado-Denis
Caracas - Biblioteca Ayacucho, stampa 1982
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Hostovsky, Egon
Le spie - romanzo / Egon Hostovsky
Milano - A. Garzanti, 1958
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Hotchner, A. E.
Hemingway e il suo mondo / A. E. Hotchner
Milano - Idealibri, 1990
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Hotchner, A. E.
Papà Hemingway / A. E. Hotchner ; traduzione di Ettore Capriolo ; premessa e cronologia di Vincenzo Mantovani
(Milano - A. Mondadori, 1988
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Hottelier, Michel
Le Bill of rights et son application aux Etats americains - étude de droit constitutionnel des Etas-Unis, avec des éléments comparatifs de droit suisse / Michel Hottelier
Bâle et Francfort-sur-le-Main - Helbing & Lichtenhan, 1995
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Hottinger, Lukas
the Shell cavity systems in Elphidiid and Pellatispirine bilammellar foraminifera / edited by Lukas Hottinger - New York - Micropaleontology Press American Museum of Natural History, 2001
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Hotz, Gottfried
Indian Skin Paintings from the American Southwest / Hotz Gottfried
Norman - University of Oklaoma Press, c1970
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Houben, Heinrich Hubert
Christophe Colomb 1447-1506 / H.-H. Houben ; traduit par Eva Métraux
Paris - Payot, 1935
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Houben, Heinrich Hubert
Cristoforo Colombo - racconto storico / H.H. Houben ; traduzione e illustrazioni di Mario Bacchelli
Firenze - Bemporad, stampa 1938
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Houchin, John H.
Censorship of the American theatre in the twentieth century / John H. Houchin
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2009
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Houck, Judith A.
Hot and bothered - women, medicine, and menopause in modern America / Judith A. Houck
Cambridge, MA - Harvard University Press, c2006
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