Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 2412 di 7048       

House, Edward
Ce qui se passa réelement a Paris en 1918-1919 - histoire de la conférence de la paix par les délégués américains / publiée par le Colonel House, Commissaire plénipotentiaire des Etats-Unis et Charles Seymour, professour d'histoire a l'université de Yale ; traduction française par Louis-Paul Alaux
Paris - Payot, 1923
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House, Edward
The intimate papers of colonel House / arranged as a narrative by Charles Seymour
Boston ; New York - Houghton Mifflin Company, 1926-1928
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House, Edward
Papiers intimes du Colonel House / publies par Charles Seymour ; traduction de B. Mayra et du Lt. CL. De Fonlongue
Paris - Payot, 1927-
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House, Michael Robert
Late Devonian Goniatites (Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea) from New York State / M. R. House and W. T. Kirchgasser
Ithaca (New York) - Paleontological Research Institution, 2008
Incluso in > Bulletins of American Paleontology / Paleontological Research Institution
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House, Peter William
Modern federalism - an analitic approach / Peter W. House, Wilbur A. Steger
Lexington ; Toronto - Lexington books, copyr. 1982
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Householder, Michael
Inventing Americans in the age of discovery - narratives of encounter / Michael Householder
Farnham - Ashgate, c2011
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Houseman, Gerald L.
Questioning the law in corporate America - agenda for reform / Gerald L. Houseman
Westport, Connecticut ; London - Greenwood press, 1993
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Houseworth, Steven D.
Coaching baseball effectively - the american coaching effectiveness program level 1 baseball book / Steven D. Houseworth
Champaign (Ill.) - Human kinetics, ©1986
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The Housing Committee
Housing for defense - a review of the role of Housing in relation to America's defense and a program for action / Miles L. Colean
New York - Twentieth century fund, 1940
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Houssin, Joël
Il dobermann americano / Joel Houssin
Milano - Sonzogno, 1997
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Houston, Alan Craig
Algernon Sidney and the republican heritage in England and America / Alan Craig Houston
Princeton N.J. - Princeton University press, c1991
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Houston, Charles S.
K2, 8611 m. - (troisième expédition américaine au Karakorum / Charles S. Houston, Robert H. Bates, George I. Bell
Paris - Arthaud, 1954
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Houston, Charles S.
K2- montagne sans pitie / Charles S. Houston, Robert H. Bates et les membres de la troisieme expedition americaine au Karakorum ; traduit de l'americain par J. et F. Germain
Paris ; Grenoble - Arthaud, c1954
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Houston, David
Prospettiva aliena / David Houston ; traduzione di Roberta Rambelli
Bologna - Libra, 1981
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Houston, Edwin J.
Recent types of dynamo-electric machinery - a complete guide for the electrician, engineer, student and professor - being a valuable history of the extraordinary advance in the building of american dynamo machines and their application / by Edwin J. Houston and Arthur E. Kennelly
London - Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1898
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