Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 2852 di 7048       

Kevles, Daniel J.
The physicists - the history of a scientific community in modern America / by Daniel J. Kevles
New York - Knopf, distributed by Random House, 1978
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Kevles, Daniel J.
The physicists - the history of a scientific community in modern America / by Daniel J. Kevles
New York - Vintage books, 1979
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Kevles, Daniel J.
The physicists - the history of a scientific community in modern America / Daniel J. Kevles
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - Harvard University Press, 1987
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Kevles, Daniel J.
Physicists - the history of a scientific community in modern America / Daniel J. Kevles
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - Harvard University Press, 1995
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Kew, William S. W.
Cretaceous and cenozoic echinoidea of the pacific coast of North America / Williams S. W. Kew
Berkeley - University of California Press, 1920
Incluso in > Bulletin of the Department of Geology of the University of California
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Kewar, Paul
Il ragazzo dal kimono d'oro / Paul Kewar ; traduzione di Paolo Cervari
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1992
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Key, Alexander
Conan - il ragazzo del futuro / Alexander Key
Bologna - Kappa, 1999
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Key, Alexander
Conan - il ragazzo del futuro / Alexander Key
Bologna - Kappa, 2007
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Key, Mary Ritchie
The grouping of south american indian languages / Mary Ritchie Key
Tubingen - G. Narr, c1979
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Key, Sarah
La cucina di Casablanca - cibi e bevande del Rick's café americain / Sarah Key, Jennifer Newman Brazil, Vicky Wells
Pavia - Liber, 1995
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Key, V. O. (Valdimer Orlando)
American state politics - An introduction
New York - Knopf ; Toronto - McClelland & Stewart, 1956
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Key, V. O. (Valdimer Orlando)
American state politics - an introduction
Westport - Greenwood press, stampa 1983
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Key, V. O. (Valdimer Orlando)
American state politics- an introduction / by V. O. Key, Jr
New York - A. Knopf, 1963
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Key, V. O. (Valdimer Orlando)
Politics, parties & pressure groups / by V.O. Key Jr
New York - T.Y. Crowell, 1964
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Key, V. O. (Valdimer Orlando)
Politics, parties, and pressure groups / by V. O. Key jr
New York - T.Y. Crowell, 1958
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