Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 4487 di 7048       

Pelling, Henry
American labor
Chicago (etc.) - University press, 1968
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Pelling, Henry
American labor / by Henry Pelling
Chicago etc. - University of Chicago press, 1960
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Pelling, Henry
Panorama storico del sindacalismo americano / Henry Pelling
Roma - Opere nuove, 1963
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Pelling, Henry
El sindicalismo norteamericano / Henry Pelling
Madrid - Tecnos, c1961
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Pellington, J.
La Situation en Mandchourie vue par les observateurs neutres - tèmoignages d'un Anglais et d'un Amèricain / J. Pellington
Geneve - Imprimerie Albert Kundig, 1932
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Pellissier, Marcelle
Il mio americano / Marcelle Pellissier
Vicenza - Edizioni Paoline, (1975)
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Pellizzari, Andrea
Me human, you machine - a journey through artificial intelligence in science fiction - letteratura inglese e americana - guida alla lettura / Andrea Pellizzari
Torino - Loescher, 2001
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Pellizzari, Andrea
Me human, you machine - a journey through artificial intelligence in science fiction - letteratura inglese e americana - guida alla lettura. Teacher's guide / Andrea Pellizzari
Torino - Loescher, 2001
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Pells, Richard H.
The liberal mind in a conservative age - american intellectuals in the 1940 and 1950 / Richard H. Pells
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Pells, Richard H.
The liberal mind in a conservative age - american intellectuals in the 1940s and 1950s / Richard H. Pells
New York - Harper & Row, c1985
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Pells, Richard H.
The liberal mind in a conservative age - American intellectuals in the 1940s and 1950s / Richard H. Pells
Middletown, Connecticut - Wesleyan University Press, 1989
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Pells, Richard H.
Not like us - how Europeans have loved, hated, and transformed American culture since World War 2. / Richard Pells
New York - Basic books, ©1997
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Pells, Richard H.
Radical visions and Americam dreams - culture and social thought in the Depression years / Richard H. Pells
New York (etc.) - Harper & Row, c1973
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Pells, Richard H.
Radical visions and American dreams - culture and social thought in the depression years
New York - Harper & Row, 1974
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Pells, Richard H.
Radical visions and American dreams - culture and social thought in the Depression years / (by) Richard H. Pells
New York - Harper & Row, (1973)
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