Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 4489 di 7048       

Peláez, José Ángel
Weighted Bergman spaces induced by rapidly increasing weights / José Ángel Peláez, Jouni Rättyä
Providence - American Mathematical Society, 2014
Incluso in > Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
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Peláez, Manuel J.
Las fuentes juridicas de Francisco Eiximenis OFM y aspectos histórico-jurídicos inéditos del Dotzè del Crestià / Manuel J. Peláez
Madrid - Archivo Ibero-Americano, 1981
Incluso in > Archivo ibero-americano - estudios historicos sobre la Orden franciscana en Espana y sus misiones - publicacion bimestral de los Padres franciscanos
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Pember, Don R.
Mass media in America / Don R. Pember
Chicago (etc. - Science research associates, c1974
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Pemberton, Carol A.
Lowell Mason - his life and work / by Carol A. Pemberton
Ann Arbor - UMI research press, ©1985
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Pemberton, Elizabeth G.
1- The sanctuary of Demeter and Kore - the Greek pottery / by Elizabeth G. Pemberton, with a contribution by Kathleen Warner Slane
Princeton (N.J.) - The American school of classical studies at Athens, 1989
Incluso in > Corinth - results of excavations conducted by the American School of classical studies at Athens
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Pemberton, Ernest L.
Computing degradation and local scour - technical gudeline for bureau of reclamation - report data January 1984 / by Ernest L. Pemberton, Joseph M. Lara
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , data rapporto 1984
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PEN American Center - Freedom to Write Committee
Latin America- the freedom to write / a reporta by the Freedom to Write Committe of PEN American center
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), c 1980
Testo Monografico

Pena Castrillon, Gilberto
La letra de cambio - teoria y practica en America Latina / Gilberto Pena Castrillon
Bogota - Editorial Graficas Fepar, (1977)
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Pena Montenegro, Alonso - de la
Itinerario para parrocos de indios / Alonso de la Pena Montenegro ; edicion critica por C. Baciero ... ed altri
Madrid - Consejo superior de investigaciones cientificas
Testo Monografico

Pena Vargas, Ana Cecilia
Lenguas indigenas e indigenismos Italia e Iberoamerica - 1492-1866 / Ana Cecilia Pena Vargas
Caracas - Academia nacional de la historia, 1987
Testo Monografico

Pena, Devon G.
Mexican Americans and environment - tierra y vida / Devon G. Peña
Tucson - The University of Arizona Press, c2005
Testo Monografico

Pena, J. Theodore
The production and distribution of pottery at Pompeii - a review of the evidence; part. 1, production / J. Theodore Pena and Myles McCallum
Incluso in > The American journal of archaeology - the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Testo a stampa

Pena, J. Theodore
The production and distribution of pottery at Pompeii - a review of the evidence; part. 2, the Material basis for production and distribution / J. Theodore Pena and Myles McCallum
Incluso in > The American journal of archaeology - the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Testo a stampa

Pena, Juan - de la
De bello contra insulanos - Intervencion de Espana en America - Escuela Espanola de la Paz - Segunda generacion, 1560-1585 / Juan de La Pena ; por L. Perena ... (ed altri)
Testo Monografico

Pena, Orlando
Estados y territorios en America latina y el Caribe / Orlando Pena
Mexico - Era, 1989
Testo Monografico