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The military in south american politics / George Philip London - Croom Helm, 1985 Testo Monografico Philip, George Oil and politics in Latin America - nationalist movements and state companies / George Philip Cambridge etc. - Cambridge U. P., 1982 Testo Monografico Philipp, Fabian Mussolini nel giudizio di uno scrittore americano / Fabian Philipp Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1924 Testo Monografico Philipp, Walter Almost sure invariance principles for partial sums of weakly dependent random variables / Walter Philipp and William Stout Providence, R. I. - AMS, 1975 Incluso in > Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Testo Monografico Philippi, Rudolph Amandus Arqueolojia Americana - sobre las piedras horadadas de Chile Santiago de Chile - imp. Nacional, 1889 Testo Monografico Philippine - Duchesne (santa) Les années pionnières 1818-1823 - lettres et journaux des premières missionnaires du Sacré-Coeur aux États-Unis / Philippine Duchesne et ses compagnes ; textes rassemblés, établis et présentés par Chantal Paisant Paris - Les éditions du Cerf, 2001 Testo Monografico Philippon, Daniel J. Conserving words - how american nature writers shaped the environmental movement / Daniel J. Philippon Athens (Georgia) & London - The University of Georgia press, 2005 Testo Monografico Philippovich, Eugen - von History of the Bank of England - and its financial services to the State / by Eugen von Philippovich ; translated by Christabel Meredith ; with an introduction by H. S. Foxwell Washington - Government printing office, 1911 Testo Monografico Philips, Judson (1903-1989) Uno schoolbus tutto giallo / Hugh Pentecost ; traduzione di Jimmy Boraschi Milano - Mondadori, 2011 Testo Monografico Philips, Paul A. M. - van Public finance and less developed ecomomy with special - with special reference to latin america. /By Paul A.M. Van Philips Hague, Netherland - Martinus Nijhoff, 1957 Testo Monografico Philipson, Henry Historia del ferrocarril americano / Henry Philipson Barcelona - Ediciones G.P., c1962 Testo Monografico Philipson, Robert The identity question - Blacks and Jews in Europe and America / Robert Philipson Jackson - University Press of Mississippi, c2000 Testo Monografico Phillips (New York) Latin America - 14-15 november 2011, New York (New York - Phillips de Pury & Company, (2011 Testo Monografico Phillips (New York) Latin America - 21 May 2012 New York evening session (New York) - Phillips de Pury & Company, (2012 ) Testo Monografico Phillips (New York) Latin America - 29 september 2010, New York (New York - Phillips de Pury & Company, (2010 Testo Monografico |