Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 4755 di 7048       

Pulszky, Ferencz
White, red, black - sketches of American society in the United States during the visit of their guests / by Francis and Theresa Pulszky
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Pulvirenti, A. Letizia
Literary gems from England and America / A. L. Pulvirenti
Catania - Terzo, stampa 1955
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Pungitore, Verna Leah
Innovation and the library - the adoption of new ideas in public libraries / Verna L. Pungitore
Westport ; London - Greenwood press, c 1995
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Puniello, Françoise S.
Abstract expressionist women painters - an annotated bibliography - Elaine de Kooning, Helen Frankenthaler, Grace Hartigan, Lee Krasner, Joan Mitchell, Ethel Schwabacher / Françoise S. Puniello and Halina R. Rusak
Lanham ; London - Scarecrow, c1996
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Punke, Michael
Revenant - la storia vera di Hugh Glass e della sua vendetta / Michael Punke ; traduzione di Norman Gobetti
Torino - Einaudi, 2014
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Punter, David
The hidden script - writing and the unconscious / David Punter
London etc. - Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985
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Pupin, Michael
From immigrant to inventor - an example for young Americans / by Michael Pupin
New York - C. Scribner's sons, 1934
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Pupo-Walker, Enrique
La vocacion literaria del pensamiento historico en America - desarrollo de la prosa de ficcion - siglos 16., 17., 18. y 19. / Enrique Pupo-Walker
Madrid - Gredos, 1982
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Pupolizio, Ivan
Una comunità all'ombra del diritto - la mediazione sociale e la giustizia informale nel modello statunitense e nell'esperienza italiana / Ivan Pupolizio
Milano - A. Giuffrè, 2005
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Purcell, Edward A. (Jr.)
Brandeis and the progressive constitution - Erie, the judicial power, and the politics of the federal courts in twentieth-century America / Edward A. Purcell
New Haven ; London - Yale University press, ©2000
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Purcell, Edward A. (Jr.)
Litigation and inequality - federal diversity jurisdiction in industrial America - 1870-1958 / Edward A. Purcell, Jr
New York ; Oxford - Oxford university, 1992
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Purcell, Edward A. (Jr.)
Originalism, federalism, and the American constitutional enterprise - a historical inquiry / Edward A. Purcell jr
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, c2007
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Purcell, Theresa M.
Teaching children dance - becoming a master teacher / Theresa M. Purcell
Champaign (Ill. ) - Human Kinetics, 1994
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Purchas, Samuel (1577 -1626)
Henry Hudson's Yoyages from Purchas His Pilgrimes ...
Ann Arbor, Mich. - University microfilms, 1966?
Incluso in > March of America facsimile series .
Testo Monografico

Purchas, Samuel (1577 -1626)
March of America facsimile series .
Pubblicazione Periodica