Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 4758 di 7048       

Putna, Martin C.
Spiritualita Václava Havla - ceské a americké kontexty / Martin C. Putna
Praha - Knihovna Václava Havla, 2009
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Putnam foundation
Timken Museum of Art - European work of art, American painting and Russian icons in the Putnam Foundation Collection
San Diego - Putnam Foundation, c1996
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Putnam, Frederick W.
Vol. 7.- Archaeology / by Frederick W. Putnam, assisted by C. C. Abbott ... ed altri
, 1879
Incluso in > Report upon United States geographical surveys west of the one hundredth meridian / in charge of George M. Wheeler ; under the direction of A.A. Humphreys
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Putnam, George N.
The status significance of an isolated urban dialect / George N. Putnam, M.M., and Edna M. O'Hern
Baltimore - Linguistic society of America, 1955
Incluso in > Language dissertations
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Putnam, Herbert
American libraries in relation to scholarly studies and research - some observations / Herbert Putnam
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1929 )
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Putnam, Hilary
Words and life / Hilary Putnam ; edited by James Conant
Cambridge, MA ; London - Harvard University Press, 1995
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Putnam, Ian Fraser
A homology theory for Smale spaces / Ian F. Putnam
Providence - American Mathematical Society, 2014
Incluso in > Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
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Putnam, Michael C. J.
Silent screens - the decline and transformation of the American movie theater / Michael Putnam ; with an introductory essay by Robert Sklar ; commentaries by Larry McMurtry ... (ed altri)
Baltimore ; London - Johns Hopkins University Press, c2000
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Putnam, Robert D.
American grace - how religion divides and unites us / Robert D. Putnam and David E. Campbell ; with the assistence of Shaylyn Romney Garrett
New York (etc.) - Simon & Schuster, c2010
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Putnam, Robert D.
Bowling alone - the collapse and revival of American community / Robert D. Putnam
New York (etc.) - Simon & Schuster, 2000
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Putnam, Robert D.
Capitale sociale e individualismo - crisi e rinascita della cultura civica in America / Robert D. Putnam ; edizione italiana a cura di Roberto Cartocci
Bologna - Il mulino, (2004)
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Putney, Clifford
Muscular christianity - manhood and sports in Protestant America, 1880-1920 / Clifford Putney
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - Harvard University Press, 2001
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Putney, Mary Jo
Incontrarsi e poi... / Mary Jo Putney ; traduzione di Diana Georgiacodis
Milano - Mondadori, 2011
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Putney, Snell
The adjusted american- normal neuroses in individual and society / Snell Putney and Gail J. Putney
New York - Harper & Row, 1966
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Putt, Samuel Gorley
View from Atlantis - the Americans and Ourselves / S. Gorley Putt
London - Constable, 1955
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