Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 5404 di 7048       

Sgovio, Thomas
Dear America - why I turned against communism / by Thomas Sgovio
Bari - Edizioni dal Sud, 2009
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Sgroi, Salvatore Claudio
Leonardo Sciascia fra dialetto e italo-americano / Salvatore Claudio Sgroi
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1984 )
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Shaara, Michael
The killer angels / Michael Shaara ; maps by Don Pitcher
New York - Ballantine Books, (1998
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Shaara, Michael
La partita perfetta / Michael Shaara
Roma - 66thand2nd, (2010
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Shabalin, P. L.
Eleven papers in analysis / by P. L. Shabalin
Providence - AMS, c1986
Incluso in > American mathematical society translations
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Shachtman, Tom
The day America crashed / by Tom Shachtman
New York - Putnam, c1979
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Shackelford, Charles D.
Advances in unsaturated geotechnics - proceedings of sessions of Geo-Denver 2000 - Sponsored by the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers - August 5-8, 2000 Denver, Colorado
Reston - Asce, c2000
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Shackleton Bailey, David Roy
With Jackson's help / D.R. Shackleton Bailey
Incluso in > Transactions of the American philological association
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Shadegg, Stephen C
What happened to Goldwater - the inside story of the 1964 Republican campaign / Stephen Shadegg
New York (etc.) - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1965
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Shadid, Anthony
La casa di pietra - memorie di una casa, una famiglia e un Medio Oriente perduto / Anthony Shadid
Torino - ADD, 2012
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Shadoian, Jack
Dreams and dead ends - the American gangster film / Jack Shadoian
Oxford - Oxford U.P., 2003
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Shadoian, Jack
Sogni e vicoli ciechi - il cinema gangsteristico e la società americana / Jack Shadoian
Bari - Dedalo, (1980)
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Shadwell, Arthur
Industrial efficiency - a comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany and America / by Arthur Shadwell
London (etc.) ; Longmans Green and Co
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Shadwell, Arthur
Industrial efficiency - a comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany and America / by Arthur Shadwell
New York (etc. - Longmans, gree, and Co., 1909
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Shadwell, Arthur
Industrial efficiency - a comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany and America / by Arthur Shadwell
London (etc.) - Longmans, Green, 1913
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