Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 5549 di 7048       

Slotkin, Richard
Regeneration through violence - the mythology of the American frontier, 1600-1860 / by Richard Slotkin
Middletown - Wesleyan university, 1973
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Slotkin, Richard
Regeneration through violence - the mythology of the American frontier, 1600-1860 / by Richard Slotkin
Norman - University of Oklahoma press, 2000
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Slotkin, Richard
Regeneration through violence- the mythology of the American frontier, 1600-1860 / Richard Slotkin
Middletown - Wesleyan University Press , 1987
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Slotnick, Elliot E.
Television news and the supreme court - all the news that's fit to air? / Elliot E. Slotnick, Jennifer A. Segal
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 1998
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Slottje, Daniel J.
The structure of earnings and the measurement of income inequality in the U. S. / Daniel J. Slottje
Amsterdam etc. - North-Holland, 1989
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Slouka, Mark
Il mondo svelato / Mark Slouka ; traduzione di Gloria Pastorino
Milano - Ponte alle Grazie, 2007
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Slovic, Scott
Seeking awareness in American nature writing - Henry Thoreau, Annie Dillard, Edward Abbey, Wendell Berry, Barry Lopez / Scott Slovic
Salt Lake City - University of Utah press, c1992
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Sluiter, Engel
The gold and silver of Spanish America - c. 1572-1648 / by Engel Sluiter
Berkeley - Bancroft Library, 1998
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Slusser, Robert M.
The Berlin crisis of 1961 - Soviet-American relations and the struggle for power in the Kremlin, June-November 1961
Baltimore ; London - The John Hopkins University Press, copyr. 1973
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Small, Albert H. (economista)
The american market for manufactured exports from the developing countries / Albert H. Small
New York (etc.) - Praeger, 1972
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Small, Albion W.
The beginnings of American nationality - the constitutional relations between the continental Congress and the colonies and states from 1774 to 1789 / by Albion W. Small
Baltimore - Johns Hopkins Press, 1890
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Small, Bertrice
L' amante del re / Bertrice Small
Bergamo - Euroclub, ©1988, stampa 1990
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Small, Bertrice
L' amante del re / Bertrice Small
(Trezzano sul Naviglio) - Euroclub, 1990
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Small, Bertrice
Aurora / Bertrice Small
Milano - Mondolibri, (2000
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Small, Bertrice
La captive d'Istanbul / Bertrice Small ; traduit de l'americain par Elena Brendan
Paris - Editions J'ai lu, 1994
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