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Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 5716 di 7048       

Stanley, Diane
Complotto di classe / Diane Stanley
Novara - De Agostini, 2010
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Stanley, Edward A.
Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene plant microfossils and Paleocene Dinoflagellates and Hystrichosphaerids from northwestern South Dakota / Edward A. Stanley
Ithaca - Paleontological Research Institution, 1965
Incluso in > Bulletins of American Paleontology / Paleontological Research Institution
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Stanley, Frank A.
Poincons et matrices pour le travail des metaux en feuilles - etude, construction et emploi / par Frank A. Stanley ; traduit de la premiere edition americaine par Maurice Varinois
Paris - Dunod, 1923
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Stanley, George Francis Gilman
New France - the last phase, 1744-1760 / George F. G. Stanley
(Toronto) - McClelland and Stewart, c1968
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Stanley, Gregory Kent
The rise and fall of the sportswoman - women's health, fitness, and athletics, 1860-1940 / Gregory Kent Stanley
New York etc. - P. Lang, ©1996
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Stanley, Harold W.
Vital statistics on american politics / Harold W. Stanley, Richard G. Niemi
Washington, D.C. - A division of Congressional Quarterly, c 1992
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Stanley, J. M.
Portraits of north american indians with sketches of scenery, ... deposited with the Smithsonian justitution
Washington - (s.n. , 1852
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Stanley, Joseph
La lepre ; Stagni preziosi ; Il tasso americano / Stanley Joseph
Mila no - Gruppo editoriale ambrosiano veneto, (1990
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Stanley, Mary Louise
A century of glass toys - the "sweetest" memories of american childhood / by Mary Louise Stanley
Manchester, Vermont - Forward's Color Productions, (circa 1974)
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Stanley, Robert Henry
The celluloid empire - a history of the American movie industry / by Robert H. Stanley
New York - Hastings House, c1978
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Stanley, Steven M.
Relation of shell form to life habits of the Bivalvia (Mollusca) / °by Steven M. Stanley
Boulder, Colorado - Geological Society of America, 1970
Incluso in > Memoir / Geological Society of America
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Stanley, Timothy W.
American Defense and National Security / Timothy W. Stanley ; foreword by Robert Cutler
Washington - Public Affairs Press, c1956
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Stannard, David E.
American holocaust - the conquest of the new world / David E. Stannard
New York etc. - Oxford University Press, 1992
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Stannard, David E.
Death in America / Philippe Ariès ... (ed altri ; edited, with an introduction by David E. Stannard
(Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania press, 1975
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Stannard, David E.
Olocausto americano - la conquista del nuovo mondo / David E. Stannard
Torino - Bollati Boringhieri, 2001
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