Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 5883 di 7048       

Stati Uniti d'America - Bureau of the census - Foreign Manpower Research Office
Materials on the preparation and conduct of the U.S.S.R. all-union population census of 1959 / prepared by Foreign Manpower Research Office, Bureau of the census
Washington D.C. - United States, Department of commerce, 1959
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Bureau of vocational information
Statistical work - a study of opportunities for women / Bureau of vocational information
New York - The Bureau of vocational information, 1921
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Stati Uniti d'America - Bureau of vocational information
Training for the professions and allied occupations - facilities available to women in the United States / by the Bureau of vocational information
New York - Bureau of vocational information, 1924
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Stati Uniti d'America - Census office
Statistical atlas - twelfth census of the United States taken in the year 1900 / W. R. Merriam dir. ; prepared under the supervision of H. Gannett
Washington - tip. J. Bien, 1903
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Stati Uniti d'America - Census office
The U. S. census report on the size of farms - appendix
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , (1883
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Stati Uniti d'America - Centers for disease control and prevention
The economics of diabetes mellitus - an annotated bibliography / Centers for disese control and prevention
Atlanta - US Department of health and human services, 1999
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Stati Uniti d'America - Centers for disease control and prevention
Protecting the Nation's health in an era of globalization - CDC's global infectious disease strategy
Atlanta - US Department of health and human services, 2002
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Central intelligence agency
Comparisons of the United States and Soviet economies - supplemental statement on costs and benefits to the Soviet Union of its bloc and pact system- comparisons with the western alliance system / prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency in cooperation with the Department of State and the Department of Defense for the Subcommittee on economic statistics of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States
Washington - United States Government Printing Office, 1960
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Central intelligence agency
Directory of USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs Officials - a reference aid - information available as of 17 june 1987 was used in the preparation of this publication / US Government, Central Intelligence Agency
Washington - Library of Congress, 1987
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Central intelligence agency
Handbook of the Nations - a brief guide to the economy, government, land, demographics, communications, and national defense establishment of each of 266 entities of the world / compiled and published for government use by U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
Detroit (etc.) - Detroit - Reissued for public access by Gale, (1997?)
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Central intelligence agency
Manuale della tortura - il testo top-secret uscito dagli archivi Usa / Central intelligence agency ; traduzione di Nora Tagliazucchi
Roma - Datanews, 1999
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Stati Uniti d'America - Central intelligence agency
Manuale della tortura - il testo USA top-secret / Central intelligence agency ; traduzione di Nora Tagliazucchi
Roma - Datanews, 2005
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Stati Uniti d'America - Central intelligence agency
Le rapport de la CIA - Comment sera le monde en 2020? / présenté par Alexandre Adler ; traduit de l'américain par Johan-Frédérik Hel Guedj
Paris - Robert Laffont, dep. leg. 2006
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Central intelligence agency
Il rapporto della CIA - come sarŕ il mondo nel 2020? / a cura di Alexandre Adler
Roma - Gremese, 2009
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Central intelligence agency
The secret cuban missile crisis documents / Central intelligence agency ; introduction by Graham T. Allison jr
Washington (etc.) Brassey's, 1994
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