Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 5897 di 7048       

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of agriculture - Economic research service - Agricultural history branch
Century of service - the first 100 years of the United States Department of Agriculture
Washington - Government Printing Office, 1963
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of agriculture - Economic research service - Agricultural history branch
Grain marketing in the Soviet Union - With emphasis on wheat - Report of a technical study group
Washington - Government Printing Office, 1961
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of Agriculture - National Agricultural Statistics Service
Agricultural statistics / United States, Departement of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Washington - United States Government Printing Office, 1936-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of agriculture - Office of foreign agricultural Relations
Agricultural geography of Europe and the Near East / By Lois B. Bacon ... ?ed altri?
Washington - Government Printing Office, 1948
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of Agriculture - Office of Statistician
Album of agricultural statistics of the United States / Department of Agriculture ; results of investigation under Direction of the Statistician
Washington - (s.n.), 1889
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of agriculture - Soil conservation service
Soil and water use in the Soviet Union - Report of a technical study group
Washington - Government Printing Office, 1959
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of agriculture - Statistical reporting service
Statistical reporting service of The U.S. Department of agriculture - scope, methods / prepared by the Statistical reporting service
Washington, D.C. - Superintendent of document, U.S. Government printing office, 1964
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of Agriculture - War Food Administration
Food consumption levels in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom - second report of a special joint committee set up by the Combined food Board issued by United States Department of agriculture, War food Administration, December 1944
Washington - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1944
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of agriculture - weather Bureau
Atlas of climatic charts of the Oceans / / prepared under the supervision of Willard F. McDonald ..
Washington - United States Government Printing Office, 1938

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of agriculture - weather Bureau
Instructions to storm-warning displaymen
Washington - Government print. office, 1912
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of commerce
Airline airports - locations designated for airports for air carrier scheduled operations and related information
Washington - U.S.government printing office, 1958. -51 p. - ill. ; 26 cm, 1958. -51 p. - ill.
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of commerce
Copper / Department of Commerce
Washington- Department of Commerce, 1922
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of commerce
A directory of computer software applications - library and information sciences - 1970-March, 1978 / U. S. Department of Commerce
Springfield (VI) - National Technical Information Service, 1978
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of commerce
A directory of computer software applications - Physics, 1970-May, 1978 / U.S. Department of Commerce
Springfield (VI) - U.S. Department of Commerce, 1978
Testo Monografico

Stati Uniti d'America - Department of commerce
Fire test of building columns / by S. H. Ingberg
, Washington- Department of Commerce Nationale Bureau of Standards; 1921
Testo Monografico