Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(senza Autore) su:
America (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1037
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1590


1- Migrants from Northern Europe
New York (etc. - Greenwood, 1987
Incluso in > ?The ?immigrant labor press in North America, 1840s-1970s - an annotated bibliography / edited by Dirk Hoerder ; Christiane Harzig, assistant editor
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3- Migrants from Southern and Western Europe
New York (etc. - Greenwood, 1987
Incluso in > ?The ?immigrant labor press in North America, 1840s-1970s - an annotated bibliography / edited by Dirk Hoerder ; Christiane Harzig, assistant editor
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Migration and the making of North America
Piscataway - Transaction periodicals consortium, 2001
Incluso in > Journal of american ethnic history
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Migration between the United States and Canada - John F. Long ... (ed altri)
Washington D.C. - U.S. Department of commerce, Bureau of the census, 1990
Incluso in > Current population reports. Special studies / U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
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Migration in colonial Spanish America / edited by David J. Robinson
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge University Press, 1990
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Migration of the Acadian Oregon and Foreland basin across the Northern Appalachians of Maine and adjacent areas / by Dwight C. Bradley
Washington - United States government printing office, 2000
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Migration Policies in Europe and the United States / edited by Giacomo Luciani
Dordrecht ; Boston - London - Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993
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Migration, free trade and regional integration in North America / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris - OECD, ?1998?
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Migratory shore and upland game birds management in North America / edited by Thomas C. Tacha and Clait E. Braun
Washington, DC - published by the International association of fish and wildlife agencies in cooperation with the Fish and wildlife service, Us Department of the Interior, 1994
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Migrazione e cultura in America e in Europa - gli ex libris illustrano e narrano - catalogo / (curatore della mostra Gian Carlo Torre)
(Genova) - Fondazione Casa America, stampa 2009
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Migrazioni di ieri e di oggi - atti del convegno realizzato nell'ambito del progetto Ellis Island- Italiani d'America, 19 gennaio 2009, Casa della memoria e della storia di Roma / a cura del Dipartimento cultura del Comune di Roma e dell'IRSIFAR
(Roma - Comune di Roma , stampa 2009
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Migrazioni liguri e italiane in America Latina e loro influenze culturali / a cura della Fondazione Casa America
Roma - Aracne, 2005
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Mil fotos Cuba - territorio libre de América
(La Habana - Comite central del partido comunista de Cuba, dopo il 1966)
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Milano e l'America - Castello Sforzesco
Milano - Settore cultura e spettacolo, 1994
Incluso in > Rassegna di studi e di notizie / Raccolta delle stampe A. Bertarelli, Raccolte di arte applicata, Museo degli strumenti musicali
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Milcah Martha Moore's book - a commonplace book from revolutionary America / edited by Catherine La Courreye Blecki and Karin A. Wulf
University Park - the Pennsylvania State university press, c1997
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