Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
America (NAT-Z) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 475
1-50- 100-150- 200-250- 300-350- 400-450- 500-550- 600-650- 700-750- 800-850- 900-950-1050-1119


Sheffrin, Steven M.
The making of economic policy - history, theory, politics / Steven M. Sheffrin
Cambridge (Mass.) - Basil Blackwell, 1989
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Sheffrin, Steven M.
The making of economic policy - history, theory, politics / Steven M. Sheffrin
Cambridge, Mas. ; Oxford - Blackwell, 1991
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Shefter, Martin
Political parties and the State - the American historical experience / Martin Shefter
Princeton, NJ - Princeton University Press, c1994
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SHELDEN, Randall G.
Controlling the dangerous classes - a history of criminal justice in America / Randall G. Shelden ; foreword by Michael Hallett
Boston ; New York - Pearson Allyn and Bacon, ©2008
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SHELDEN, Randall G.
Criminal Justice in America - A Sociological Approach / Randall G. Shelden
Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown and Company, c1982
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Sheldon, Garrett Ward
The history of political theory - ancient Greece to modern America / Garret Ward Sheldon
New York etc. - P. Lang, 1993
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Sheldon, George William
American country houses of the Gilden age - Sheldon's "Artistic country seats" / new text by Arnold Lewis
New York - Dover, 1982
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Sheldon, Henry Davidson
The older population of the United States / by Henry D. Sheldon ; with introductory and summary chapters by Clark Tibbitts
New York - J. Wiley & Sons - London - Chapman & Hall, 1958
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Shelford, Victor E.
Animal communities in temperate America - as illustrated in the Chicago region. A study in animal ecology / Victor E. Shelford
Chicago - University of Chicago, 1913
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Shelford, Victor E.
The ecology of North America / by Victor E. Shelford
Urbana - University of Illinois press, 1963
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Shemel, Sidney
This business of music / by Sidney Shemel and M. William Krasilovsky ; edited by Paul Ackermann
New York - Billboard Publications, 1976
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Shenker, Henry
Reference tables for thermocouples / Henry Shenker, John I. Lauritzen Jr., and Robert J. Corruccini
Washington - Department of commerce, National Bureau of standards, 1951
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Shenosky, Joseph T
The Development of late Twentieth Century catholic ecumenical Theology in the United States of America - a Comparison of the Contributions of Gustave Weigel SJ, Carl J. Peter, John F. Hotchkin, and Avery Dulles SJ / Joseph T. Shenosky
Roma - Pontificia Universitą Gregoriana, 2008
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Shenton, James Patrick
History of the United States from 1865 to the present / James P. Shenton
Garden City (N.Y.) - Doubleday & company, 1964
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Shepard, Francis Parker
3- Submarine topography of the gulf of California / by Francis P. Shepard
New York - Geological Society of America, 1950
Incluso in > 1940 E. W. Scripps cruise to the Gulf of California / Geological Society of America
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