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(ordinato per Autore) su:
America (NAT-Z) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 485
1-50- 100-150- 200-250- 300-350- 400-450- 500-550- 600-650- 700-750- 800-850- 900-950-1050-1119


Sidbury, James
Becoming African in America - race and nation in the early Black Atlantic / James Sidbury
Oxford - Oxford university press, 2007
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Sidbury, James
Becoming African in America - race and nation in the early Black Atlantic / James Sidbury
New York - Oxford university press, 2009
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Sidel, Mark
More secure less free? - antiterrorism policy & civil liberties after September 11 / Mark Sidel
Ann Arbor - The University of Michigan press, c2004
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Sidel, Ruth
Keeping women and children last - America's war on the poor / Ruth Sidel
New York (etc.) - Penguin books, 1996
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Sideri, Sandro
Crisi dell'America Latina - tra globalizzazione e regionalismo / Sandro Sideri
Milano - ISPI, 2002
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Sides, Hampton
Soldati fantasma - la storia dimenticata di una delle missioni piĆ¹ drammatiche della seconda guerra mondiale / Hampton Sides ; traduzione di Sergio Mancini e Maria Barbara Piccioli
Milano - Corbaccio, 2001
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Siebenmann, Gustav
Poesia y poeticas del siglo 20. en la America hispana y el Brasil - historia, movimientos, poetas / Gustav Siebenmann
Madrid - Gredos, c1997
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Sieber, Sam D.
Reforming the university- the role of the social research center / Sam D. Sieber ; foreword by Paul F. Lazarsfeld
New York etc. - Praeger publisher, 1972
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Siebert, Diane
Tour America - a journey through poems and art / by Diane Siebert ; illustrated by Stephen T. Johnson
San Francisco - Chronicle Books, 2006
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Siebert, Erna
North America Indian art - masks, amulets, wood carvings and ceremonial dress from the North-West coast / notes on the plates by E.Siebert and N.Smirnova ; photography by Wener Forman ; translation by Phillippa Hentges
London (etc.) - Hamlyn, 1969
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Sieburth, Janice F.
Online search services in the Academic library - planning, management and operation / Janice F. Sieburth
Chicago and London - American Library Association, 1988
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Siedel, George J.
Real estate law / George J. Siedel 3
Minneapolis - West, c1993
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Sieder, Rachel
The judicialization of politics in Latin America / edited by Rachel Sieder, Line Schjolden and Alan Angell
New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
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Siefert, George Joseph
Meter and case in the latin elegiac pentameter / by George Joseph Siefert
Baltimore - Linguistic society of America, 1952
Incluso in > Language dissertations
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Siefert, George Joseph
Meter and case in the Latin elegiac pentameter / by George Joseph Siefert jr
New York - Kraus reprint corporation, 1966
Incluso in > Language dissertations
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