Edie, Lionel D.
Principles of the new economics / by Lionel D. Edie
New York - Thomas Y. Crowell Company, c1922
Saggio Monografico
Edison Centennial Symposium (1979 ; San Francisco, CA)
Science, technology and the human prospect - proceedings of the Edison centennial symposium / edited by Chauncey Starr, Philip C. Ritterbush
New York etc. - Pergamon press, c1980
Saggio Monografico
Edles, Gary J.
Federal regulatory process - agency practices and procedures / Gary J. Edles, Jerome Nelson
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice Hall Law & Business, c1990-
Saggio Monografico
Edley, Christopher F. (jr.)
Administrative law - rethinking judicial control of bureaucracy / Christopher F. Edley, Jr
New Haven ; London, c1990
Saggio Monografico
Edlinger, Patrick
Rock Games - escalades aux USA / Patrick Edlinger, Gerard Kosicki ; preface de Georges Livanos
Paris - Arthaud, 1986
Saggio Monografico
Edlinger, Patrick
Rock games - arrampicate negli U.S.A. / Patrick Edlinger, Gerard Kosicki ; prefazione di Georges Livanos
Bologna - Zanichelli, 1987
Saggio Monografico
Edmonds, Walter Dumaux
The musket and the cross - the struggle of France and England for North America / by Walter D. Edmonds ; with maps and devices by Samuel H. Bryant
Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown & Co., c1968
Saggio Monografico
Edmunds, Sterling E.
Struggle for freedom - the history of anglo-american liberty from the charter of Henry I to the present day / Sterling E. Edmunds
Milwaukee - The Bruce Publishing Company, c1946
Saggio Monografico
Edwards, Arthur C.
Music in the United States / Arthur C. Edwards and W. Thomas Marrocco
Dubuque, Iowa - Wm. C. Brown, c1968
Saggio Monografico
Edwards, Clive D.
Victorian furniture - technology and design / Clive D. Edwards
Manchester (etc.) Manchester university press, c1993
Saggio Monografico
Edwards, George C. (3.)
Presidential influence in Congress / George C. Edwards
San Francisco - W. H. Freeman, c1980
Saggio Monografico
Edwards, Jonathan
7- The life of David Brainerd / Jonathan Edwards ; edited by Norman Pettit
New Haven (etc.) - Yale university press, 1985
Saggio Monografico
Edwards, Jonathan
The works of Jonathan Edwards
New Haven (etc.) - Yale university press
Saggio Monografico
Edwards, Laura F.
Gendered strife & confusion - the political culture of reconstruction / Laura F. Edwards
Urbana ; Chicago, c1997
Saggio Monografico
Edwards, Rebecca
Angels in the machinery - gender in American party politics from the Civil War to the progressive era / Rebecca Edwards
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1997
Saggio Monografico