Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:

Pagina nr. 1245
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500


Ridgely, Robert S.
The birds of South America / by Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor
Oxford (etc.) - Oxford university press, 1989-
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Ridgely, Robert S.
A guide to the birds of Panama - with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras / by Robert S. Ridgely and John A Gwynne, jr
Princeton, N. J.
Saggio Monografico

Ridgely, Robert S.
1- The oscine Passerines - jays and swallows, wrens, thrushes, and allies, vireos and wood-warblers, tanagers, icterids, and finches / by Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor ; with the collaboration of William L. Brown ; in association with World wildlife fund
Oxford ; Tokyo, 1989
Saggio Monografico

Ridgely, Robert S.
2- The suboscine Passerines - ovenbirds and woodcreepers, typical and ground antbirds, gnateaters and tapaculos, tyrant flycatchers, cotingas and manakins / by Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor ; in association with the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia
Oxford ; Tokyo, 1994
Saggio Monografico

Rieder, Hans Rudolf
Le folklore des Peaux-Rouges - contes et legendes des premiers ages de la vie des indiens / H. R. Rieder ; traduction du colonel Pinaud
Paris - Payot, 1952
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Riegel, John W.
Administration of salaries and intangible rewards for engineers and scientists / by John W. Riegel
Ann Arbor (Michigan) - University of Michigan ; Edwards brothers, c1958
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Riegel, Robert Edgar
America moves west
New York - Holt
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Riemens, Hendrik
L' Europe devant l'Amerique Latine / par Hendrik Riemens ; preface de S.A.R. le prince Bernhard
La Haye - Martinus Nijhoff, 1962
Saggio Monografico

Riencourt, Amaury - de
L' ere des nouveaux Cesars / Amaury de Riencourt ; adapte de l'anglais par Serge Lafurie
Paris - Laffont, 1959
Saggio Monografico

Riepe, Dale
The philosophy of India and its impact on american thought / by Dale Riepe
Springfield, Ill. - C. C. Thomas, c1970
Saggio Monografico

Riera Ojeda, Oscar
Apartamentos norteamericanos - innovaciones en el diseno y la ejecucion / editado por Oscar Riera Ojeda
Koln - Evergreen, c1998
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Riera Ojeda, Oscar
Moore Ruble Yudell - campus & community - architecture & planning / Oscar Riera Ojeda, James Mary O'Connor, Wendy Kohn
Rockport (Mass.) - Rockport Publishers, c1997
Saggio Monografico

Riesman, David
L' America al bivio pedagogico / David Riesman
Firenze - La nuova Italia, 1974
Saggio Monografico

Riesman, David
Die einsame Masse - eine Untersuchung der Wandlungen des amerikanischen Charakters / David Riesman, Reuel Denny, Nathan Glazer ; mit einer Einfuhrung in die deutsche Ausgabe von Helmut Schelsky
(Hamburg) - Rowohlt, 1961
Saggio Monografico

Riesman, David
Faces in the crowd - individual studies in character and politics / by David Riesman ; in collaboration with Nathan Glazer
New Haven - Yale University press, 1952
Saggio Monografico

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