Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Animali

Pagina nr. 1445 di 2524       

The global strategy for the management of farm animal genetic resources - executive brief / Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
Rome - FAO, 1999
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Laboratory training manual on radioimmunoassay in animal reproduction - a joint undertaking / by the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations and the International atomic energy agency
Vienna - IAEA, 1984
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Laboratory training manual on the use of isotopes and radiation in animal research - a joint undertaking / by the Food and agriculture organization of the United nations and the International atomic energy agency
Vienna - International atomic energy agency, 1969
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Manual for animal health auxiliary personnel / FAO
Rome - FAO, 1983
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Manual for animal health auxiliary personnel / FAO
Rome - FAO, 1984
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A manual for the primary animal health care worker - working guide, guidelines for training, guidelines for adaptation / Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
Rome - FAO, 1994
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El reciclaje de materias orgánicas en la agricultura de América latina - informe de la reinión-taller latinoamericana sobre reciclaje de materias orgánicas en la agricultura - San José de Costa Rica 7-17 de julio de 1980
Roma - FAO, 1983
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Revue mondiale de zootechnie - revue trimestrelle consacrée a la production et a la santé animales
Rome - Fao
Pubblicazione Periodica

La situation mondial de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture, 1982 - situation mondiale - la production animale- aperçu mondial / FAO
Rome - FAO, 1983
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La tubercolosis animal en las Americas y su transmision al hombre / por Dr. Casimiro Garcěa Carrillo... y Dr. Boris Szyfres
Roma - FAO, 1963 (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Tip. Castaldi)
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FAO - Animal production and health Division
Improved animal health for poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods / Animal production and health division, FAO agriculturedepartment
Rome - FAO, 2002
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FAO African regional conference on animal production and health (2. ; 1969 ; Kinshasa)
Report of the second FAO African regional conference on animal production and health - held in Kinshasa, Democratic republic of Congo, 28 November-6 December 1969
Rome - Food and agriculture organization of the United nations, 1970
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FAO ECE agriculture and timber division of the Economic commission for Europe
The livestock and meat market / prepared by the FAO/ECE agriculture and timber division of the Economic commission for Europe
New York - United Nations, 1993
Incluso in > Agricultural review for Europe / prepared by the FAO/ECE Agriculture and timber division of the Economic commission for Europe
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FAO expert consultation on the substitution of imported concentrate feeds in animal production systems in developing countries (1985 ; Bangkok)
Proceedings of the FAO expert consultation on the substitution of imported concentrate feeds in animal production systems in developing countries - held in the FAO regional office for Asia and the Pacific - Bangkok, 9-13 september 1985 / editors- R. Sansoucy, T. R. Preston and R. A. Leng
Rome - Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, 1987
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FAO UNEP expert panel
Animal genetic resources - strategies for improved use and conservation - proceedings of the 2. meeting of the FAO/UNEP expert Panel, Warsaw, Poland, June 1986 with proceedings of the EAAP/PSAS symposium on small populations of domestic animals / edited by John Hodges
Rome - Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, 1987
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