Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Architetto Architetti (keyword)

Pagina nr. 869
1-50- 100-150- 200-250- 300-350- 400-450- 500-550- 600-650- 700-750- 800-850- 900-950-1050-1130


segue ARCHITETTI [pagina inizio voce]

Hanson, Brian
Architects and the "building world" from Chambers to Ruskin - constructing authority / Brian Hanson
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2003
Testo Monografico

Hara, Hiroshi (1936- )
Hiroshi Hara / edited by Yukio Futagawa ; criticism by David B. Stewart
Tokyo - ADA Edita, c1993
Testo Monografico

Harbison, Robert
Creatures from the mind of the engineer - the architecture of Santiago Calatrava / Robert Harbison ; with photographs by Paolo Rosselli
Zurich ; Munchen - Artemis, c1992
Testo Monografico

Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates
Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates - buildings and projects 1967-1992 / preface by Michael Sorkin ; introduction and interview by Mildred F. Schmertz ; building descriptions by Nicholas Polites
New York - Rizzoli, 1992
Testo Monografico

Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates
HHPA, Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer associates - buildings and projects, 1992-1998 / Foreword by Mildred Friedman ; introduction by Glenn M. Andres ; building descriptions by Debra Waters
New York - Rizzoli international, 1999
Testo Monografico

Harrigan, John E.
The executive architect - trasforming designers into leaders / John E. Harrigan, Paul R. Neel ; with contributions by Douglas H. Austin ed altri
New York etc. - J. Wiley, c1996
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Hart, Spencer
Frank Lloyd Wright / Spencer Hart
London - Bison Group, 1993
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Harten, Ulrike
Die Buhnenentwurfe / Ulrike Harten ; Uberarbeitet von Helmut Borsch-Supan und Gottfried Riemann
Munchen ; Berlin - Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2000
Testo Monografico

Hartman Cox
Hartman-Cox - selected and current works
Mulgrave - Images publishing, 1994
Testo Monografico

Hasegawa, Itsuko
Itsuko Hasegawa / ed. and design team Andrea Bettella ... (ed altri)
London - Academy ; Berlin - Ernst & Sohn, 1993
Testo Monografico

Hasegawa, Itsuko
Itsuko Hasegawa - selected and current works
Mulgrave - Images, 1997
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Hasegawa, Yuko
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa Sanaa / Yuko Hasegawa
Milano - Electa, 2005
Testo Monografico

Hauvette, Christian
Christian Hauvette / introduccion Marie-Helene Contal
Barcelona - Gustavo Gili, c1997
Testo Monografico

Hauvette, Christian
Christian Hauvette - dwellings, monuments, machines - truth, metaphor, narrative / preface by Alice Laguarda and Paul Ardenne ; texts by Denis Pondruel ... ed altri ; photographs by Nicolas Borel, Georges Fessy, Marcus Robinson
Basel etc. - Birkhauser, 2000
Testo Monografico

Hauvette, Christian
Christian Hauvette - suite ... sans fin ... - vingt-et-un projets, quatres annees, jour apres jour, d'une agence d'architecture / textes Christian Hauvette, Denis Pondruel, Hubert Tonka
Paris - Pandora, 1991
Testo Monografico

[Pagina Precedente] - [Indice] - [Pagina Successiva]