Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Architettura (COO-Z) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 577
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1607


Leacroft, Helen
Edifici e monumenti dell'antico Egitto / Helen e Richard Leacroft
Bologna - Capitol, c1970
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Leacroft, Richard
The development of the English playhouse - an illustrated survey of theatre building in England from medieval to modern time / Richard Leacroft
London ; New York - Methuen, 1988
Testo Monografico

Leacroft, Richard
Theatre and playhouse - an illustrated survey of theatre building from ancient Greece to the present day / Richard and Helen Leacroft ; with isometric recostructions by Richard Leacroft
London - Methuen Drama, 1984
Testo Monografico

Leader, Anne
The Florentine Badia- Monastic Reform in Mural and Cloister / Anne Leader
Ann Arbor - UMI Dissertation Services, ©2000
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Leaf, H. M.
The internal wiring of buildings / H. M. Leaf
Westminster - Archibald Constable and Co., 1899
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Leali, Sergio
Architetture religiose in Valtenesi / Sergio Leali ; contributi di Giuliana Leali e Massimo Sandrinelli
Brescia - Grafo, 1997
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Leali, Servilio
L' Abbazia di San Benedetto Po - dieci secoli di storia - l'impronta geniale di Giulio Romano / Servilio Leali
Suzzara - Bottazzi, stampa 1989
Testo Monografico

Leandri, Pietro
Studio di pavimentazioni per la riduzione del rumore generato dal traffico stradale - tesi di dottorato in scienze e tecniche dell'ingegneria civile, ciclo 20. - tesi di dottorato / del dott. ing. Pietro Leandri ; tutori- Fausto Lancieri, Massimo Losa ; Facoltą di ingegneria, Dipartimento di ingegneria civile
(Pisa), 2008
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Leante, Luigi
Il Crocifisso di Galatone - il tempio, le tradizioni, la festa, il carro / Luigi Leante
Galatina - Congedo, 1997
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Leask, Harold G.
Irish churches and monastic buildings / by Harold G. Leask
Dundalk - Dundalgan Press (W. Tempest), 1955-19
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Leathart, Julian
Style in architecture / Julian Leathart
London etc. - Th. Nelson, 1940
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Leatherbarrow, David
The roots of architectural invention - site, enclosure, materials / David Leatherbarrow
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1993
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Leatherbarrow, David
Surface architecture / David Leatherbarrow and Mohsen Mostafavi
Cambridge (Massachusetts) ; London - The Mit Press, ©2002
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Lebahar, Jean-Charles
Le dessin d'architecte - simulation graphique et reduction d'incertitude / Jean-Charles Lebahar
Roquevaire - Parentheses, 1983
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LeBlanc, Sydney
The architecture traveler - a guide to 250 key twentieth-century American buildings / Sydney LeBlanc
New York ; London - W. W. Norton, 2000
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