Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo - senza autore)
Argomento: Arte

Pagina nr. 1456 di 5686       

Byzantine art- recent studies - essays in honor of Lois Drewer / edited by Colum Hourihane
Tempe Arizona - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2009
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Byzantine east, latin west - art-historical studies in honor of Kurt Weitzmann / edited by Christopher Moss, Katherine Kiefer
Princeton - Department of art and archaeology, Princeton University, c1995
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Byzantine hours - Byzantium- an oecumenical empire - Byzantine and Christian museum, October 2001-January 2002
Athens - Hellenic Ministry of culture, 2002
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Byzantine techne sten Ellada - psephidota, toichographies / genike epopteia- Manoles Chatzedakes
Athena - Melissa
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Byzantine things in the world / edited by Glenn Peers
Houston - Menil Collection, 2013
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The byzantine world / edited by Paul Stephenson
London ; New York - Routledge, 2010
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Byzantinische Kostbarkeiten - aus Museen, Kirchenschatzen und Bibliotheken der DDR - Spatantike, Bysanz, Christlicher Osten - Ausstellung im Bode-Museum, Februar bis April 1977
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 1977 (Berlin)
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Byzantino-sicula 5. - Giorgio di Antiochia - l'arte della politica in Sicilia nel XII secolo tra Bisanzio e l'Islam - atti del Convegno Internazionale (Palermo, 19-20 aprile 2007) / a cura di Mario Re e Cristina Rognoni
Palermo - Istituto siciliano di studi bizantini e neoellenici "Bruno Lavagnini", 2009
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Byzantium - 330-1453 / edited by Robin Cormack and Maria Vassilaki
London - Royal Academy of Arts, 2008
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Byzantium - treasures of Byzantine art and culture from British Collections / edited by David Buckton
London - British Museum press, c1994
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Byzantium- faith and power, 1261-1557 / edited by Helen C. Evans
New York - The Metropolitan museum of art - New Haven ; London - Yale university press, 2004
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Byzantium- the light in the age of darkness - November 2, 1988 through January 31, 1989
New York - Ariadne Galleries, ©1988
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Byzanz und der Westen - studien zur Kunst des Europaischen Mittelalters / Herausgegeben von Irmgard Hutter ; mit einem Vorwort von Herbert Hunger
Wien - Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1984
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Byzanz- Pracht und Alltag - Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn 26. Februar bis 13. Juni 2010
München - Hirmer, (2010)
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Bérard / (testo di Jean-Louis Barrault ... ed altri)
Paris - Ferand Hazan, (1974 )
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