seguito Asia
[pagina inizio voce]
Inequality in Asia and the Pacific - trends, drivers and policy implications / edited by Ravi Kanbur, Changyong Rhee, and Juzhong Zhuang
London ; New York - Routledge ; Manila - Asian development bank, 2014
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L' inferno senza fine a Damasco e Aleppo. La Chiesa vicina ai musulmani, cristiani, alauiti e sunniti / Simone Cantarini
Incluso in > Asia news
Testo a stampa
Inflation and growth in China - proceedings of a conference held in Beijing, China - May 10-12, 1995 / Manuel Guitián, Robert Mundell editors
Washington - International Monetary Fund, 1996
Testo Monografico
InfoDev - les communications au service de la riposte au VIH/SIDA en Asie su sud-est
Geneve - ONUSIDA, 2001
Testo Monografico
Informal politics in East Asia / edited by Lowell Dittmer, Haruhiro Fukui, Peter N. S. Lee
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2000
Testo Monografico
Information and communication and technologies for employment creation and poverty alleviation - in selected ESCWA member countries / United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
Beirut - United Nations, 2005
Testo Monografico
Information and communication technology policy and legal issues for Central Asia - guide for ICT policymakers / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 2007
Testo Monografico
Information bulletin / International association for the study of the cultures of Central Asia
Moscow - Nauka
Pubblicazione Periodica
Information society indicators / United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
New York - United Nations, 2005
Testo Monografico
Infrastructure and productivity in Asia - political, financial, physical and intellectual underpinnings / John B. Kidd and Frank-Jurgen Richter (editors)
Basingstoke (etc.) - Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
Testo Monografico
Infrastructure strategies in East Asia - the untold story / edited by Ashoka Mody
Testo Monografico
Ingannevole è il cuore più di ogni cosa / un film di Asia Argento ; sceneggiatura- Asia Argento e Alessandro Magania ; direttore della fotografia Eric Alan Edwards ; musica di Morgan ; tratto dal romanzo omonimo di J. T. Leroy
(Italia - Columbia Tristar home entertainment (distributore, 2005
L' inganno delle madrasse- bambini tribali cristiani rapiti e e costretti a convertirsi all'islàm / Nozrul Islam
Incluso in > Asia news
Testo a stampa
Initiatives for e-commerce capacity-building of small and medium enterprises - proceedings and papers presented at the Regional Consultative meeting on initiative for e-commerce capacity-building of small and medium enterprises - Seoul, 13-15 november 2002 / Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific
New York - United Nations, 2003
Testo Monografico
Inner Asia
Cambridge - White Horse Press, 1999-
Pubblicazione Periodica