seguito Asia
[pagina inizio voce]
Wood, Michael
In the footsteps of Alexander the great - a journey from Greece to Asia / Michael Wood
London - BBC Books, c1997
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Woodiwiss, Anthony
Globalisation, human rights and labour law in Pacific Asia / Anthony Woodiwiss
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, ©1998
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Woods, John E.
The Timurid dynasty / John E. Woods
Bloomington - Indiana university research institute for Inner Asian studies, 1990
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Woods, Lawrence, T.
Asia-Pacific diplomacy - nongovernamental organizations and international relations / Lawrence T. Woods
Vancouver - UBC press, c1993
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Woog, Karl Christian
De Melitone Sardium in Asia episcopo interum disserit et ad beneuole audiendam orationem qua linguae graecae et latinae professoris publici ordinarii clementissime sibi demandatum munus auspicabitur humanissime inuitat Carolus ChristianusWoog ..
Lipsiae - ex Officina Langenhemiana, 1751
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Woog, Karl Christian
De Melitone Sardium in Asia Episcopo. Consensu amplissimi philosophorum in Academia Lipsiensi ordinis primum pro loco disputabit Carolus Christianus Woog A.M. D. 4 April. 1744
Lipsiae - es officina Langenhemiana
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Woog, Karl Christian
De Militone Sardium in Asia episcopo consensu amplissimi philosophorum in academia Lipsiensi ordinis primum pro loco disputabit Carolus Christianus Woog ..
Lipsiae - ex Officina Langenhemiana ..., 1744
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Woolley, Leonard
Medio Oriente / di Leonard Woolley ; traduzione di Grazia Dore
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1961
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Woolley, Leonard
Medio Oriente / di Leonard Woolley ; traduzione di Grazia Dore
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1968
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Working group meeting on energy planning and programming (1978 ; Bangkok)
Proceedings of the working group meeting on energy planning and programming and of the Committee on natural resources, fifth session
New York - United Nations, 1979
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Working group meeting on environmental management in mineral resource development (1981 ; Phuket, Tailandia)
Proceedings of the Working group meeting on environmental management in mineral resource development - (from 14 to 19 June 1981, at Phuket, Thailand) / / (edited by) United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand
New York - United Nations, 1982
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The Working Group of Experts on water Resources Planning
Planning water resources development - Report and background papers / of the Working Group of Experts on water Resources Planning convened Bangkok, Thailand from 29 August to 9 September 1968 (convened by the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East in cooperation with the United Nations Office of Technical Cooperation)
New York - United Nations, (1969) - VI ; 28 cm, (1969)? - VI
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Working group on communications aspects of family planning programmes (1967 ; Singapore)
Report of the Working group on communications aspects of family planning programmes and selected papers - held at Singapore, 5-15 September 1967 / Economic commission for Asia and the Far East
New York - United Nations, stampa 1968
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Workshop on Asia-Pacific resources and their potential for development (2008 ; Chiang Mai, Thailand)
Forest insects as food - humans bite back - Proceedings of a workshop on Asia-Pacific resources and their potential for development, 19-21 February 2008, Chiang Mai, Thailan / edited by Patrick B. Durst ... (ed altri)
Bangkok - Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, Regional office for Asia and the Pacific, 2010
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Workshop on ceramics of East and Southeast Asia (1981 ; Kuching)
Workshop on ceramics of East and Southeast Asia - final report - Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, May 19-26, 1981
Bangkok - SPAFA, 1981
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