Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Astrologia

Pagina nr. 192 di 309       

Leo, Alan
Esoteric astrology
London - N. Fowler, 1913
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Leo, Alan
Esoteric astrology - a study in human nature / by Alan Leo
London - L. N. Fowler & Co., 1969
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Leo, Alan
7- Esoterische Astrologie - vom Wesen des Menschen / von Alan Leo ; einzigeberechtigte Übersetzung aus dem Englischen (2. Auflage) von Dr. phil. Gerhard Naumann
Leipzig - Theosophisches Verlagshaus, 1927
Incluso in > Alan Leos astrologische Werke
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Leonardi, Camillo
Camilli Leonardi Speculum lapidum, et D. Petri Arlensis de Scudalupis, ... Sympathia septem metallorum ac septem selectorum lapidum ad planetas. Accedit Magia astrologica Petri Constantii Albinii villanovensis
Hamburgi - apud Christianum Liebezeit, 1717
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Lerner, Paule
Astrological key in Mahabharata - the new era / Paule Lerner ; translated by David White
Delhi - Motilal Banarsidass, 1988
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Lerner, Paule
Clef astrologique du Mahabharata - l'ere nouvelle / Paule Lerner
Milano - Arche, 1986
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Lerner, Paule
Clef astrologique du Mahabharata - l'ère nouvelle / Paule Lerner
Milano - Archè, 1986
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Leurechon, Jean (1591-1670)
Recreations mathematiques, composées de plusieurs problemes plaisans & facetieux d'arithmetique, geometrie, astrologie, optique, perpesctiue, ... Premiere et seconde partie. La troisiéme partie contient un recueil de plusieurs gentilles & recreatiues inuentions de feux d'artifice. ..
A Lyon - chez Claude Prost, en ruë Merciere, à l'Occasion, 1653
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Leurechon, Jean (1591-1670)
Recreations mathematiques. Composées de plusieurs problemes plaisans & facetieux d'arithmetique, geometrie, astrologie, optique, perspectiue, mechanique, & d'autres rares & curieux secrets- plusieurs desquels n'ont iamais esté imprimez. Premiere et seconde partie. La troisieme partie contient vn recueil de plusieurs gentilles, & recreatiues inuentions de feux d'artifice. ..
A Lyon - chez Claude Prost, en ruë Merciere, à l'Occasion, 1642
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Levi D'Ancona, Mirella
Botticelli's Primavera - a botanical interpretation including astrology, alchemy and the Medici - with the first color reproductions of the Primavera since its restoration / Mirella Levi D'Ancona
Firenze - Olschki, 1983
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Levi D'Ancona, Mirella
Botticelli's Primavera - a botanical interpretation including astrology, alchemy and the Medici - with the first color reproductions of the Primavera since its restoration / Mirella Levi D'Ancona
Firenze - L. S. Olschki, 1983
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Levy, Raphael
The astrological works of Abraham Ibn Ezra - a literary and linguistic study with special reference to the Old French translation of Hagin / by Raphael Levy
Baltimore - The Johns Hopkins university press ; Paris - Les Presses universitaires, 1927
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Levy, Raphael
The astrological works of Abraham Ibn Ezra - a literary and linguistic study, with special reference to the old French translation of Hagin / by Raphael Levy
Baltimore - The Johns Hopkins university press ; Paris - Les Presses universitaires, 1973
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Lewanski, Richard Casimir
Italia-Polonia- astronomia ed astrologia - bibliografia retrospettiva, docenti e studenti polacchi di astronomia ed astrologia all'Alma Mater / Riccardo Casimiro Lewanski ; nota presentata dal prof. Giuseppe Vecchi
Bologna - Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto, (1993?)
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Lewi, Grant
Il fai da te dell'astrologia - tutto l'occorrente per fare l'oroscopo / di Grant Lewi, con Liz Green
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1987
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