(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Astronomia |
Pagina nr. 341 di 1067 |
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3- Textum arabicum continens / Al-Battani Lavis (TN) - La finestra, 2003 Incluso in > Opus astronomicum / Al-Battani ; a cura di Carolo Alphonso Nallino Testo Monografico al-Battani, Muhammad 1- Versio capitum cum animadversionibus / Al-Battani Lavis (TN) - La finestra, 2003 Incluso in > Opus astronomicum / Al-Battani ; a cura di Carolo Alphonso Nallino Testo Monografico al-Battani, Muhammad 2- Versio tabularum omnium cum animadversionibus, glossario, indicibus / Al-Battani Lavis (TN) - La finestra, 2003 Incluso in > Opus astronomicum / Al-Battani ; a cura di Carolo Alphonso Nallino Testo Monografico al-Biruni Al-Biruni's India - an account of the religion, philosophy, literature, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India about a. D. 1030 / edited in the arabic original by E. Sachau Leipzig - Harrassowitz, 1925 Testo Monografico al-Biruni Alberuni's India - an account of the religion, philosophy, literature, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India, about A.D. 1030 London - Trübner & Co., 1887 Testo Monografico al-Biruni Alberuni's India - An account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India about A.D. 1030 / edited by Edward C. Sachau (Delhi) - Oriental Reprint, 1983 Testo Monografico al-Biruni Alberunis India - an account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India about AD 1030 / edited with notes and indices by Edward C. Sachau New Delhi - Munshiram Manoharlal, 2005 Testo Monografico al-Biruni Alberunis India - an account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India, about A.D. 1030 London - Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1910 Testo Monografico al-Biruni Kitab al-Biruni fi *tahqiq ma lil-Hind min maqulah wa maqbulah fi al-‘aql aw mardhulah / Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Biruni al-mutawaffa 440 H=1048 M ; (ed. a cura di Edward Sachau) Qum (Iran) - Baydar, 1998 (1418 H). 537 ; 25 cm, 1998 (1418 H). 537 Testo Monografico al-Biruni Rasa'ilu' l-Biruni - containing four tracts ; based on the unique compendium of mathematical & astronomical treatises in the Oriental Public Library, Bankipore (Arabic ms. 2468/42, 36, 38, 37) / by Abu Rayhan Muh. B. Ahmad al-Biruni Frankfurt am Main - institute for the history of Arabic-Islamic science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, 1998 Testo Monografico al-Biruni Rasa'ilu' l-Biruni - containing four tracts ; based on the unique compendium of mathematical & astronomical treatises in the Oriental Public Library, Bankipore (Arabic ms. 2468/42,36,38,37) / by Abu Rayhan Muh. B. Ahmad al-Biruni Hyderabad (Deccan) - Osmania oriental publications bureau, 1948 Testo Monografico al-Biruni Rasail Abi Nasr ila' l-Biruni - containing fifteen tracts ; based on the unique compendium of mathematical and astronomical treatises in the Oriental Public Library, Bankipore (Arabic Ms. 2468/16,15,9,8,14,20,21,18,22,19,17,10,11,12,13) / by Abu Nasr Mansur B. Ali B. 'Iraq Hyderabad (Deccan) - Osmania Oriental Publications Bureau, 1948 Testo Monografico al-Biruni Rasái'lu'l-mutafarriqa f'il-hai'at li'l-mutaqaddimín wa mu?ásiray il-Bírúní - containing eleven important treatises on astronomy and other subjects contributed by the famous predecessors and contemporaries of al-Bírúní ; based on the unique compendium of mathematical & astronomical treatises in the Oriental Public Library, Bankipore (Arabic Ms. 2468/24,30,25,23,7,34,39,41,31,40,6) Hyderabad (Deccan) - Osmania Oriental publications bureau, 1948 Testo Monografico al-Fargani, A mad ibn Mu ammad Alfragani astronomorum peritissimi compendium / Al-Farghani Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Testo Monografico al-Fargani, A mad ibn Mu ammad Breuis ac perutilis compilatio Alfragani astronomorum peritissimi, totum id continens, quod ad rudimenta astronomica est opportunum (Norimbergae - apud Ioh. Petreium, 1537) Testo Monografico |