Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Astronomia

Pagina nr. 841 di 1067       

Neviani, Ivo
(Geografia generale - per la terza prova dell'esame di Stato / Ivo Neviani, Cristina Pignocchino Feyles ; a cura di Chiara Amateis)
Torino - SEI, 2004
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Neviani, Ivo
Introduzione alle scienze della terra - per le scuole medie superiori / Ivo Neviani
Torino - SEI, c1985
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Neviani, Ivo
Pianeta tre / Ivo Neviani, Cristina Pignocchino Feyles
Torino - Societą editrice internazionale, 2006
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Nevskaja, Nina Ivanovna
Peterburgskaja astronomiceskaja škola 18. v. / N.I. Nevskaja ; otvetstvennyj redaktor- K.G. Ogorodnikov
Leningrad - Nauka, 1984
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Newcomb, Simon
Astronomie fur Jedermann - eine Allgemeinverstandliche Darstellung der Erscheinungen des Himmels
Jena - G. Fisher, 1922
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Newcomb, Simon
Astronomy for everybody - a popular exposition of the wonders of the heavens / by professor Simon Newcomb ; with an introduction by Sir Robert S. Ball
London - Isbister, 1903
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Newcomb, Simon
Astronomy for everybody - a popular exposition of the wonders of the heavens / by Simon Newcomb ; with an introduction by Robert S. Ball
London (etc.) - I. Pitman, 1908
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Newcomb, Simon
Astronomy for high schools and colleges / by Simon Newcomb and Edward S. Holden
New York - H. Holt, 1893
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Newcomb, Simon
A compendium of spherical astronomy - with applications to the determination and reduction of positions of the fixed stars / by Simon Newcomb
New York ; London - MacMillan Company, 1906
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Newcomb, Simon
A compendium of spherical astronomy - with applications to the determination and reduction of positions of the fixed stars / by Simon Newcomb
New York - Dover, 1960
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Newcomb, Simon
The elements of the four inner planets and the fundamental constants of astronomy / by Simon Newcomb
Washington DC, USA - Government Printing Office, 1895
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Newcomb, Simon
Newcomb-Engelmanns populare Astronomie / herausgegeben von H. C. Vogel
Leipzig - W. Engelmann, 1905
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Newcomb, Simon
Newcomb-Engelmanns populare Astronomie / herausgegeben von Hans Ludendorff
Leipzig - W. Engelmann, 1921
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Newcomb, Simon
Newcomb-Engelmanns populare Astronomie / herausgegeben von Hans Ludendorff
Leipzig - W. Engelmann, 1922
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Newcomb, Simon
Newcomb-Engelmanns populare Astronomie / herausgegeben von P. Kempf
Leipzig - W. Engelmann, 1911
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