(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Bibbia |
Pagina nr. 404 di 1927 |
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Roma - Artemide, 2011 Testo Monografico Forming prophetic literature - essays on Isaiah and the Twelve in honor of John D. W. Watts / edited by James W. Watts and Paul R. House Testo Monografico Fortezza, tragedia e inganno- la donna all'epoca dei Giudici - Verona, 28-31 gennaio 1993 - atti del Seminario invernale Settimello, Firenze - Biblia, Associazione laica di cultura biblica, 1994 Testo Monografico 1- Fotokopie / wyd. Czeslaw Kudzinowski Poznan - Wydaw. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, 1984 Incluso in > Biblia Litewska Chylinskiego - Nowy Testament Testo Monografico The four Gospels - with a pratical critical commentary for priest and students / by Charles J. Callan New York - Wagner ; London - Herder, c1918 Testo Monografico The four Gospels from the Munich ms. (q) now numbered lot 6224 in the Royal Waeony at Munich - with a fragment from St. John in the bibliothek at Vienna (Cod. Lat. 502) / edited with the aid of Tischendorf's transcript by Henry J. White ; under the direction of the bishop of Salisbury Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1888 Testo Monografico The four Gospels in Syriac - transcribed from the Sinaitic palimpsest / by the late Robert L. Bensly and by J. Rendel Harris and by F. Crawford Burkitt ; with an introduction by Agnes Smith Lewis Cambridge - at the University Press, 1894 Testo Monografico The four Gospels of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ / translated into the Tigre-language by the Abyssinian Debtera Matteos, and revised by the deceased Isenberg (St. Chrishona) - printed at the Mission press on St. Chrishona at the request and expense of the British and Foreign Bibee( )-society, 1866 Testo Monografico Four prophets - Amos, Hosea, First Isaiah, Micah - a modern translation from the Hebrew / by J. B. Phillips London - Geoffrey Bless, 1963 Testo Monografico The fourfold holy Gospel - in the Peshitta syriac version London - British and foreign Bible Society, 1914 Testo Monografico A fourteenth century English biblical version - consisting of a prologue and parts of the new testament edited from the manuscripts, together with some introductory chapters on middle English biblical versions (prose translations) / by A. C. Paues Cambridge - Univ. Press, 1902 Testo Monografico The fragment-Targums of the Pentateuch - according to their extant sources / °a cura di Michael L. Klein Rome - Biblical institute press, 1980 Testo Monografico 3- Fragmente zu Hiob 23,1-42,17 Berlin °etc. - W. de Gruyter, 2000 Incluso in > Die alteren griechischen Katenen zum Buch Hiob / herausgegeben von Ursula und Dieter Hagedorn Testo Monografico Fragmenten / uitgegeven door C. C. de Bruin Leiden - E. J. Brill, 1984 Testo Monografico Frammenti di contemplazione - dall'Antico e dal Nuovo Testamento - riflessioni tra poesia e preghiera / Una monaca di clausura Milano - Edizioni paoline, 1993 Testo Monografico |