(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Bibbia |
Pagina nr. 436 di 1927 |
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London - United Bible Societies, 1966 Testo Monografico The Greek New Testament / edited by Kurt Aland ... °ed altri ; in cooperation with the Institute for New Testament textual research New York °etc. - United Bible Societies, c1968 Testo Monografico The Greek New Testament / former editions edited by Kurt Aland ... (ed altri) (Stuttgart) - Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft - United Bible societies, c1998 Testo Monografico The Greek New Testament / former editions edited by Kurt Aland ... (ed altri) ; 4. revised edition edited by Barbara Aland ... (et al.) ; in cooperation with the Institute for New Testament Textual Research, Munster/Westphalia Stuttgart - Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, c2001 Testo Monografico The Greek New Testament - being the text translated in the New English Bible, 1961 / edited with introduction, textual notes and appendix by R. V. G. Tasker London - Oxford University Press ; Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 1964 Testo Monografico The Greek Testament / with the readings adopted by the revisers of the authorised version Oxford - At the Clarendon Press, 1891 Testo Monografico The Greek Testament / with the readings adopted by the revisers of the authorised version and with references in the margin to parallel passages of the Old and the New Testament Oxford - At the Clarendon Press, 1882 Testo Monografico A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature / revised and edited by Frederick William Danker ; based on Walter Bauers Griechisch-deutsches Worterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der fruhchristlichen Literatur, sixth edition Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago press, 2000 Testo Monografico Greek-English New Testament / Nestle-Aland Stuttgart - Deutsche Bibelgedellschaft, 1985 Testo Monografico Der griechische Text des Buches Ezechiel nach dem kölner Teil des Papyrus 967 / herausgegeben von P. Leopold Günther Jahn Bonn - R. Habelt, 1972 Testo Monografico Die griechischen Apokryphen zum Neuen Testament / herausgegeben von Albert Fuchs Linz - s. n. , 1978- (Freistadt - Plochl) Testo Monografico Griechisches Neues Testament - text mit kurzem apparat / handausgabe von Hermann Freiherr von Soden Gottingen - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1913 Testo Monografico Grigorovicevo evangelie, br. 9 - Vangelija Despodova Prilep - In-t za istrazlvanje na staroslovnskata kultura, 1988 Testo Monografico Groot nieeuws voor u - geïllustreerde uitgave van het Nieuwe Testament in de omgangstaal Haarlem - Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap, 1978 Testo Monografico Groot nieeuws voor u - geïllustreerde uitgave van het Nieuwe Testament in de omgangstaal Haarlem - Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap ; Boxtel - Katholieke Bijbelstichting, 1978 Testo Monografico |