(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Bibbia |
Pagina nr. 674 di 1927 |
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Oslo - Det Norske Bibelselskaps Forlag, 1958 Testo Monografico Nýja Testamentid - ný pýding úr frummálinu London - The British & Foreign Bible Society - Reykjavík - Á Kostnad hins Brezka og Erlenda Biblíufélags, 1953 Testo Monografico Obadiah - a new translation with introduction and commentary / Paul R. Raabe New York etc. - Doubleday, 1996 Testo Monografico L' obbedienza e la disobbedienza nella Bibbia / a cura di Giuseppe Marrocu L'Aquila - ISSRA, c1996 Testo Monografico Oboeditio fidei - la fede tra ascolto e profezia / Gianpiero Tavolaro e Giuseppe Cuomo (edd.) (Trapani) - Il pozzo di Giacobbe, 2014 Testo Monografico Occhio per occhio, dente per dente - gli orrori della bibbia (Milano) - Kaos, 2008 Testo Monografico The Occitan translations of John 12. and 13.-17. from a fourteenth-century Franciscan Codex (Assisi, Chiesa Nuova Ms. 9) / edited by M. Roy Harris Philadelphia - American Philosophical Society, 1985 Incluso in > Transactions of the American philosophical society - held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge Testo Monografico The odes and psalm of Salomon / re-editing for the governos of the John Rylands Library by Rendel Harris and Alphonse Mingana Manchester - The University Press ; London, New York, Bombay - Longonans green and Co. ; London - B. Quaritch, 1916-1920 Testo Monografico The Odes of Solomon - the Syriac texts / edited with translation and notes by James Hamilton Charlesworth Missoula, MT - Scholars Press, (1978) c1977 Testo Monografico Oeconomia methodica concordantiarum Scripturae Sacrae- authore Georgio Bulloco sacrae theologiae professore. In qua quid (praeter omnes hactenus impressas concordantiarum editiones) praestitum sit, ad omnium concionatorum, & s. theologiae studiosorum commoditatem, quilibet ex praefatione authoris facile intelliget. .. Antuerpiae - ex officina Christophori Plantini prototypographi regii, 1572 (Antuerpiae - excudebat Christophorus Plantinus, regius prototypographus, 1572 Pridie Kalendas Maii 30 IV ) Testo Monografico L' oggi della Parola di Dio nella liturgia / Mariano Magrassi e collaboratori Torino-Leumann - Elle Di Ci, stampa 1970 Testo Monografico The Old and New Testaments; being the english version of the polyglott bible having a centre column of original and an extensive selection of appropriate references from scripture interpaged with the Biblical Concordance, entitled "Scripture Harmony." Forming together a rich and comprehensive assemblage of half a million parallel and illustrative passages, from those esteemed authors Canne, Brown, Blayney, and Scott. With those from the Latin Vulgate, The French, and German Bibles. The whole arranged in scripture order, and presenting, in a portable pocket volume, a complete library of Divinity London - Printed for Samuel Bagster, n. 15, Paternoster Row, 1824 Testo Monografico The old English Heptateuch and Ælfric's Libellus de veteri testamento et novo / edited by Richard Marsden Oxford - Oxford University Press Testo Monografico The Old English version of the Gospels / edited by R. M. Liuzza Oxford etc. - published for The early English text society by the Oxford university press Testo Monografico The old english version of the Heptateuch . Aelfric's treatise on the Old and New Testament and his praeface to Genesis / edited togerther with a reprint of A Saxon treatise concerning the old and new Testament- now first published in print with English of our times by William L'Isle of Wilburgham (1623) and the Vulgate text of the Heptateuch by S. J. Crawford ; with the text of two additional manuscripts transcribed by N. R. Ker London - Oxford University Press, stampa 1969 Testo Monografico |