Les Actes des Apôtres / texte traduit et annoté par Edouard Delebecque Paris - Les belles lettres, 1982 Testo Monografico Les actes des saints Apotres Londres - pour le Depot biblique, 1867 Testo Monografico Actions of the Apostles- tranlated from the original greek, by the rev. John Willis, B.D. .. London - sold by mess. Robson, Clarke, and Faulder, in New Bond Street - Payne and son, at the Mews Gate - White and son, Fleet Street - and mess. Merrills, in Cambridge, 1789 Testo Monografico The Acts in the revised standard version / with introduction and comment ary by R.P.C. Hanson Oxford - Clarendon Press, c1967 Testo Monografico The Acts of the Apostles / by Saint Luke ; translated with an introduction and notes by C.H. Rieu Harmondsworth - Penguin Books, 1957 Testo Monografico The Acts of the Apostles / introduction, translation and notes by Johanne s Munck ; revised by William F. Albright and C. S. Mann New York - Doubleday, (1967 Testo Monografico The acts of the apostles - divided into short sections - with a simple commentary for family reading / by the Francis Bourdillon London - El. Stoch, 1886 Testo Monografico The Acts of the Apostles - with maps, introduction and notes / by J. Rawson Lumby Cambridge - at the University Press, 1887 Testo Monografico The Acts of the Apostles - with maps, notes and introduction / by J. Rawson Lumby Cambridge - at the University press, 1894 Testo Monografico Actus apostolorum / tradotti in sardo-baroniese da Giuseppe Mercurio Nuoro - Edizioni Solinas, (2004?) Testo Monografico Actus apostolorum et Apocalypsis Ioannis apostoli / Pontificia commissio pro nova vulgata (Città del Vaticano) - Typis polyglottis vaticanis, 1970 Testo Monografico Adagialium sacrorum Veteris et Noui Testamenti pars II / colectore ac interprete Martino del Rio Antverpiensi, Societatis Iesu sacerdote, & S. Scripturae publico salmaticae professore Lugduni - sumptibus Horatij Cardon, 1613 Testo Monografico Die Admonter Riesenbibel (Wien,ONB,Cod.Ser.n.2701 und 2702)/von Andreas Fingernagel Graz - Akademische Druck-u. Verlagstalt, 2001 Testo Monografico L' affer del pistuolo - bibbia de Maranguelone arviduto Cortona - Tip. Colonnesi, (1860?) Testo Monografico 32- Aggeo ; Zaccaria ; Malachia / versione, introduzione, note di Giuseppe Bernini Roma - Edizioni Paoline, 1974 Incluso in > Nuovissima versione della Bibbia dai testi originali Testo Monografico |