Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Bibbia (keyword)

Pagina nr. 278
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1676


Le chiavi della Bibbia - vocabolario della Bibbia di Gerusalemme / a cura di Alfio Filippi
Bologna - EDB, 1996
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La Chiesa degli Apostoli...
Rovigo - Istituto padano di arti grafiche, ?1970??- .
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La Chiesa delle origini negli Atti degli Apostoli e nei loro scritti / (a cura di) Enrico Galbiati ..
Vicenza - Istituto S. Gaetano, c 1972
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La Chiesa delle origini negli Atti degli Apostoli e nei loro scritti / (a cura di) Enrico Galbiati ; sussidio didattico a cura dei volontari della Associazione MIMEP ; fotografie di Paolo Acquistapace
Vicenza - Istituto S. Gaetano, c1972
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1- La Chiesa e le sue strutture fondamentali nella Bibbia
Incluso in > Dal cristianesimo al cattolicesimo / Fausto Salvoni
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Chikalakala cha Nehemiah
London - British and foreign Bible society, 1894
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Chrestomathie biblique ou choix de morceaux de l'Ancien Testament / traduits du texte hebreu et accompagnes de sommaires et de notes par Louis Segond
Geneve ; Paris - J. Cherbuliez, 1864
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Christliche Exegese zwischen Nicaea und Chalcedon / herausgegeben von J. van Oort und U. Wickert
Kampen - Kok Pharos, c1992
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Christology, controversy and community - New Testament essays in honour ofDavid R. Catchpole / edited by David G. Horrell and Christopher M. Tuckett
Leiden (etc. - Brill, 2000
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Christopanisat - the four gospels / rendered into Sanskrit slokas from the original English version (R.V.) of the New Testament by Tara Charan Chakravarty ; with a foreword by Foss Westcott
Calcutta - published by the author, pref. 1944
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The chronicler as author - studies in text and texture / edited by M. Patrick Graham & Steven L. McKenzie
Sheffield - Sheffield academic press, c1999
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The Chronicler as historian / edited by M. Patrick Graham, Kenneth G. Hoglund and Steven L. McKenzie
Sheffield - Sheffield academic press, c1997
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Chronicles - hebrew text & english translation with an introduction and commentary / by W. Slotki
London - the Soncino press, 1952
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The Chumash - the Torah- Haftaros and five Megillos with a commentary anthologized from the rabbinic writings / by Nosson Scherman
New York - Mesorah publications, 1993
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Church hymns - with tunes / the music edited by Charles H. Lloyd ; the plain song tunes selected and harmonized by Basil Harwood
London - Society for promoting christian knowledge, 1903
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