Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Computer

Pagina nr. 1006 di 1129       

Schindler, Karl
Computergestutzte Legasthenietherapie - Begrundung und Entwicklung eines tachistoskopischen PC-Trainingprogramms fur Legastheniker auf der Sekundarstufe / vorgelegt von Karl Schindler
Zurich - Universitat, 1991
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Schindler, Max
Computer-aided software design - build quality software with case / Max Schindler
New York - John Wiley & Sons, c1990
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Schirru, Marco
Informatica computergrafica linguaggi comunicazione- un icastico pamphlet / Marco Schirru
(Cagliari - CUEC), 2011
Saggio Monografico Multimediale

Schjolberg, Stein
Computers and penal legislation - a study of the legal politics of a new technology / Stein Schjolberg
Oslo - Universitetsforlaget, 1983
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Schjolberg, Stein
Computers and penal legislation - a study of the legal politics of a new technology / Stein Schjolberg
Oslo - Universitetsforlaget, c1983
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Schlaifer, Robert
Computer programs for elementary decision analysis / Robert Schlaifer
Boston - Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1971
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Schlecht, Matthew F.
Molecular modeling on the PC / Matthew F. Schlecht
New York etc. - Wiley-VCH, c1998
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Schleich, J. B.
Computer assisted Analysis of the fire resistance of steel and composite concrete-steel structures (REFAO-CAFIR) / J.B. Schleich
Brussels ; Luxembourg - Commission of the european community, Directorate general science, research and development, 1987
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Schmeltz, Les R.
Playing the stock & bond markets with your personal computer / L. R. Schmeltz
USA - Tab Books Inc., 1981
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Schmid, Erich W.
Theoretical physics on the personal computer / Erich W. Schmid, Gerhard Spitz, Wolfgang Losch
Berlin etc. - Springer-Verlag, c1988
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Schmid, Erich W.
Theoretical physics on the personal computer / Erich W. Schmid, Gerhard Spitz, Wolfgang Losch
Berlin etc. - Springer-Verlag, c1990
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Schmid, Erich W.
Theoretical physics on the personal computer / Erich W. Schmid, Gerhard Spitz, Wolfrang Losch
Berlin etc. - Springer, 1987
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Schmid, Niklaus
Computer- sowie Check- und Kreditkartenkriminalitat - ein Kommentar zu den neuen Straftatbestanden des schweizerischen Strafgesetzbuches / von Niklaus Schmid
Zurich - Schulthess, 1994
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Schmidt, Gunther
Relations and graphs - dicrete mathematics for computer scientists / Gunther Schmidt, Thomas Strohlein
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, c1993
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Schmidt, Richard N.
Introduction to computer science and data processing / Richard N. Schmidt, William E. Meyers
New York (etc.) - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970
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