Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Computer

Pagina nr. 1071 di 1129       

TOLOS, Peter C.
How to choose the right computer for your medical practice / Peter C. Tolos, Daniel Moody ; foreword by Edward Hinman
Santa Rosa - Burgess communications, c1986
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Toma, Letitia
Computer aided design of sustainable industrial processes / Letitia Toma ; coordinatore- Massimiliano Barolo ; supervisore- Maurizio Fermeglia ; correlatore- Gennaro Longo
(Padova), 2008
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Tomasin, Alberto
A computer simulation of the Adriatic sea for the study of its dynamics and for the forecasting of floods in the town of Venice / Alberto A. Tomasin
(Amsterdam) - North-Holland, (1973 )
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Tomassetti, Federico Cesare Argentino
Polyglot software development - benefits, problems and guidelines for the adoption and combination of domain specific formal languages - tesi di dottorato / Federico Cesare Argentino Tomassetti ; tutore- Marco Torchiano ; coordinatore del corso di dottorato- Pietro Laface
(Torino), 2013
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Tomassi, Vincenzo
Amico computer - Guida all'uso e al funzionamento del calcolatore / Vincenzo Tomassi
Cassino - La Rivo, 1985
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Tomassi, Vincenzo
Amico computer - guida all'uso e al funzionamento del calcolatore / Vincenzo Tomassi
Cassino - La Riva, 1985
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Tomei, M. C.
ASCAM - Activated sludge computer aided modelling - teoria e manuale d'uso del software / Tomei M. C. e Ramadori R
Roma - Istituto di ricerca sulle acque - CNR, 2002
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Tomek, Ivan
The foundations of computer architecture and organization / Ivan Tomek
New York - Computer science press, c1990
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Tomeski, Edward
The executive use of computers / by Edward Tomeski
(New York) - Collier Books, c1969
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Tomlin, Roger
La mise en place de l'informatique dans l'entreprise - managing the introduction of Computer Systems / Roger Tomlin ; Traduit de l'anglais par Francois Le Faou
Paris - Editions d'Organisation, 1972
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Tomlinson, R.F.
Computer handling of geographical data - an examination of selected geographic information systems / ?R.F. Tomlinson, H.W. Calkins, D.F. Marble?
Paris - Unesco, 1976
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Tommasi, Davide Giacomo
Anatomical research through a computer science approach - a better insight into cervical range of motion analysis - tesi di dottorato / Davide Giacomo Tommasi ; coordinatore- Magda Gioia ; tutor- Chiarella Sforza
(Milano, 2009)
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Tomovic, Rajko
High speed analog computers / Rajko Tomovic, Walter J. Karplus
New York ; London - Wiley, 1962
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Tonda, Alberto
Study and development of new evolutionary algorithms applied to industrial applications - a dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree doctor of philosophy in computer engineering / by Alberto Tonda ; director- Giovanni Squillero
(Torino), 2011
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Tondini, Sergio
Il computer in agricoltura / (Sergio Tondini, Cristina Corazza, Franca Gambini)
Bologna - Edagricole, 1986
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