Pagina nr. 1778 di 1806 |
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International change and international peace London - Oxford University press, 1932 Testo Monografico Williams, Joshua Principles of the law of real property - founded upon the 24. edition of Williams on Real property by R.A. Eastwood London - Sweet & Maxwell, 1933 Testo Monografico Wilmart, André Analecta reginensia - extraits des manuscrits latins de la reine Christine conservés au Vatican / Andre Wilmart Città del Vaticano - Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1933 Testo Monografico Wilmotte, Maurice 10- Sainte-Beuve - sa vie, sa doctrine, ses méthodes, ses repentirs avec des tables onomastique et chronologique / par Maurice Wilmotte Paris - La renaissance du livre, 1928 Incluso in > La litterature francaise - des origines a 1870 / Sainte-Beuve Testo Monografico Wilms, Hieronymus Alberto Magno / Girolamo Wilms Bologna - Studio domenicano, 1931 Testo Monografico Wilson, Aileen Fontanes, 1757-1821 - essai biographique et litteraire / Aileen Wilson Paris - E. De Boccard, 1928 Testo Monografico Wilson, B. Lane Old English melodies / words and music arranged by H. Lane Wilson New York - Boosey & Hawkes, ©1927 Musica (stampa) Wilson, H. L. Music and the gramophone and some masterpiece recordings - a collection of historical, biographical and analytical notes, and data of a generally interesting nature, concerning musical works of importance completely recorded for the gramophone / compiled by H. L. Wilson London, George Allen and Unwin, 1926 Testo Monografico Wilson, Margaret (1882- ) The crime of punishment London ; Toronto - J. Cape, 1931 Testo Monografico Windakiewicz, Stanislaw Piotr Skarga Kraków - Kroh. Spolki Wydawniczcj, 1925 Testo Monografico Windelband, Wilhelm 1.1- Geschichte der abendländischen Philosophie im Altertum / Bearb. von Albert Goedeckemeyer München - Beck, 1963 Incluso in > Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft / begrundet von Iwan von Muller ; erweitert von Walter Otto ; fortgefuhrt von Hermann Bengtson, 1920- Testo Monografico Windelband, Wilhelm 2- Ot Kanta k Nicše / V. Vindel'bandt S. Peterburg - Tip. V. Bezobrazova i ko., 1905 Incluso in > Istorija novoj filosofii v eja svjazi s obscej kul'turoj i otdel'nymi naukami / V. Vindel'bandt ; perevod s vtorogo nemeckago izdanija E. I. Maksimovoj ... °ed altri , pod redakciej A. I. Vvedenskag Testo Monografico Windelband, Wilhelm Platone / Guglielmo Windelband ; traduzione italiana di Marino Graziussi Palermo (etc.) - Remo Sandron, (1914 ) Testo Monografico Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan The Malvern country / by Sir Bertram C. A. Windle ; with illustration by Edmund H. London - Methuen & Co., 1923 Testo Monografico Winkler, Friedrich Le Valère Maxime de Leipzig / avec une introduction sur les commencements de la peinture de genre aux Pays-Bas par Friedrich Winkler Leipzig - E. A. Seeman et Karl W. Hiersemann, 1922 Testo Monografico |