Bibliografia Cormundus
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1967

Pagina nr. 1595 di 1848       

Hallade, Madeleine
Arts de l'Asie ancienne - thèmes et motifs / par Madeleine Hallade
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1954-
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Hallak, Jacques
Les aspects financiers de l'éducation en Côte-d'Ivoire / Jacques Hallak, Raymond Poignant
Paris - Unesco - Institut international de planification de l'education, 1967
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Halle (Libreria antiquaria ; Monaco)
Newe Zeitungen - Relationen, Flugschriften, Flugblaetter, Einblattdrucke von 1470 bis 1820
Nieuwkoop - B. De Graaf, 1967
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Haller, Albrecht - von (1708-1777)
Bibliotheca botanica qua scripta ad rem herbariam facientia a rerum initiis recensentur / Alberto von Haller
Bologna - Forni, stampa 1967
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Haller, Rudolf
Geschichte der deutschen Lyrik
Bern ; München - Francke, 1967- .
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Haller, Rudolf
1- Vom Ausgang des Mittelalters bis zu Goethes Tod
Bern ; Munchen - Francke, 1967
Incluso in > Geschichte der deutschen Lyrik
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Hallert, Bertil
2-3- Basic principles of photogrammetric methods used for measurements ; Aerial photogrammetric survey of the San Giovenale area / by Bertil Hallert
Lund - Gleerup, 1967
Incluso in > San Giovenale - results of excavations / conducted by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies at Rome and the Soprintendenza alle Antichita dell'Etruria Meridionale
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Hallert, Bertil
5- Terrestrial photogrammetric survey of the San Giovenale Castle / by Bertil Hallert
Lund - Gleerup, 1967
Incluso in > San Giovenale - results of excavations / conducted by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies at Rome and the Soprintendenza alle Antichita dell'Etruria Meridionale
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Hallet, Jean Pierre
Congo kitabu / Jean-Pierre Hallet ; con la collaborazione di Alex Pelle
Milano - V. Bompiani, 1967
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Halliday, David
1- Meccanica, acustica, termodinamica / D. Halliday, R. Resnick ; traduzione a cura di M. Fazio e G. Gambarini ; revisione e presentazione R. Malvano
Milano - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 1967
Incluso in > Fisica generale - per studenti di scienze fisiche e ingegneria / D. Halliday, R. Resnick
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Halliday, Michael Alexander Kirkwood
Intonation and grammar in British English / M. A. K. Halliday
The Hague ; Paris - Mouton, 1967
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Hallowell, A. Irving
Culture and experience
New York - Schocken books, 1967
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Ham, Arthur Worth
Istologia / Arthur Worth Ham ; prefazione all'edizione italiana del prof. Ignazio Fazzari
Firenze - Sansoni edizioni scientifiche, stampa 1967
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Hambis, Louis
Le chapitre 108. du Yuan che - les fiefs attribués aux membres de la famille impériale et au ministres de la Cour mongole d'après l'histoire chinoise officielle de la dynastie mongole / par Louis Hambis
Leiden - E. J. Brill, 1954-
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Hamill, B.
Esercizi di elettrotecnica / B. Hamill
Milano - Etas Kompass, (1967)
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