Bibliografia Cormundus
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1967

Pagina nr. 1801 di 1848       

Symposium on the Use of Isotope and Radiation Techniques in Soil Physic s and Irrigation Studies (1967 ; Istambul)
Isotope and radiation techniques in soil physics and irrigation studies - proceedings of a symposium ... jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and held in Istanbul, 12-16 June 1967
Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1967
Testo Monografico

Szabó, Károly
Adalékok Szabó Károly Régi magyar könyvtár c. munkájának 1.-2. kötetéhez - póthások és igazitások 1472-1711 / egybeállitotta Sztripszky Hiador
Budapest - Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 1967
Incluso in > Bibliographia Hungarica, series editionum stereotyparum = Magyarorszagi konyveszet, hasonmaskiadasok sorozata, 1472-1711 .
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Szabó, László
Selkup texts - with phonetic introduction and vocabulary / László Szabó
Bloomington - Indiana university ; THe Hague - Mouton, 1967
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Szladits, Charles
A bibliography on foreign and comparative law - books an articles in English / Charles Szladits
New York - Parker school of foreign and comparative law ; Columbia university, 1955-
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Sznycer, Maurice
Les passages puniques en transcription latine dans le Poenulus de Plaute / Maurice Sznycer
Paris - Klincksieck, 1967
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Sŕito, Nello
Due saggi / Nello Saito
Roma - M. Bulzoni, (1967)
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Sábato, Ernesto
Il tunnel - romanzo / Ernesto Sabato
Milano - Feltrinelli, 1967
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Séchan, Louis
Sept légendes grecques suivies de l'étude des sources
Paris - Les Belles Lettres, 1967
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Séguy, Jean
Atlas linguistique de la Gascogne / par Jean Séguy ; enquęteur Xavier Ravier
Paris - Éd. du Centre nationale de la recherche scientifique, 1965-1973
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Sérouya, Henri
La Kabbale / par Henri Sérouya
Paris - Presses Universitaires de France, 1967
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Sérouya, Henri
La pensée arabe / par Henri Sérouya
Paris - Presses Universitaires de France, 1967
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Sérullaz, Maurice
Le cubisme / par Maurice Serullaz
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1967
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Taccia, Alfio
Dall'alba all'occaso - poesie
Catania - Tip. La celere, 1967
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Tacitus, Publius Cornelius
3- Buch 11-13 / Cornelius Tacitus
Heidelberg - C. Winter, Universitatsverlag, 1967
Incluso in > Annalen / Cornelius Tacitus ; erlautert und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Erich Koestermann
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Tacitus, Publius Cornelius
De vita Agricolae / Ed. by R. M. Ogilvie and the late sir Ian Richmond
Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1967
Testo Monografico