Bibliografia Cormundus
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1970

Pagina nr. 34 di 1871       

24- 1 ottobre 1866-31 dicembre 1866 / a cura di Sergio Camerani e Gaetano Arfé
Roma - Istituto storico italiano per l'età moderna e contemporanea, 1970
Incluso in > Carteggi di Bettino Ricasoli
Testo Monografico

24- 1636-1639
Nendeln - Kraus Reprint, 1970
Incluso in > Calendar of state papers and manuscripts, relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice and in other libraries of Northern Italy / edited by Rawdon Brown
Testo Monografico

25 / in verbindung mit Edmund Schramm und Jose Vives ; herausgegeben von Johannes Vincke
Munster Westfalen - Aschendorff, 1970
Incluso in > Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Kulturgeschichte Spaniens / herausgegeben von Odilo Engels ; in Verbindung mit Quintin Aldea... et al.
Testo Monografico

25 ans de Nations Unies - un bilan positif / textes rassemblés et publiés sous la direction de Charles Chaumont et Georges Fischer
Paris - R. Pichon et R. Durand-Auzias, 1970
Testo Monografico

25- 1640-1642
Nendeln - Kraus Reprint, 1970
Incluso in > Calendar of state papers and manuscripts, relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice and in other libraries of Northern Italy / edited by Rawdon Brown
Testo Monografico

25- Apaideutos-azymus / Walther von Wartburg ; publié par Jean-Pierre Chambon 1985-1992, par Jean-paul Chaveau 1996-2002
Basel - Zbinden, 1970-2002
Incluso in > Franzosisches etymologisches Worterbuch - eine Darstellung des galloromanischen Sprachschatzes / von Walther v. Wartburg
Testo Monografico

26- 1642-1643
Nendeln - Kraus Reprint, 1970
Incluso in > Calendar of state papers and manuscripts, relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice and in other libraries of Northern Italy / edited by Rawdon Brown
Testo Monografico

27- 1643-1647
Nendeln - Kraus Reprint, 1970
Incluso in > Calendar of state papers and manuscripts, relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice and in other libraries of Northern Italy / edited by Rawdon Brown
Testo Monografico

28- 1647-1652
Nendeln - Kraus Reprint, 1970
Incluso in > Calendar of state papers and manuscripts, relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice and in other libraries of Northern Italy / edited by Rawdon Brown
Testo Monografico

29- 1653-1654
Nendeln - Kraus Reprint, 1970
Incluso in > Calendar of state papers and manuscripts, relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice and in other libraries of Northern Italy / edited by Rawdon Brown
Testo Monografico

Firenze - Sansoni, c 1970
Incluso in > Enciclopedia dei fumetti / a cura di Gaetano Strazzulla
Testo Monografico

Incluso in > Obras de Tirso de Molina / edicion y estudio preliminar por Maria del Pilar Palomo
Testo Monografico

Torino - SPE, 1970
Incluso in > 1.- Relazioni e memorie
Testo Monografico

Bale ; Rome - Herder ; Paris - Beauchesne, stampa 1970
Incluso in > La doctrine sociale de l'Eglise a travers les siecles - documents pontificaux du 15. au 20. siecle - (Textes originaux et traductions) / edites sous le patronage de la Fondation internationale Huma...
Testo Monografico

Tuebingen - M. Niemeyer, 1970
Incluso in > Audientia litterarum contradictarum - Untersuchungen ueber die paepstlichen Justizbriefe und die paepstliche Delegationsgerichtsbarkeit vom 13. bis zum Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts / von Peter Herde
Testo Monografico