Pagina nr. 1664 di 1842 |
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Il paese delle nevi / Yasunari Kawabata ; traduzione dall'inglese di Luca Lamberti ; introduzione di Aldo Tagliaferri Milano - A. Mondadori, 1971 Testo Monografico Kearney, Hugh Science and change, 1500-1700 / Hugh Kearney London - Weidenfeld and Nicolson, ©1971 Testo Monografico Kedward, Harry Roderick Fascism in Western Europe, 1900-45 / H. R. Kedward New York - New York university press, 1971 Testo Monografico Keenan, Edward L. The Kurbskii-Groznyi apocrypha - the seventeenth-century genesis of the "correspondence" attribuited to prince A. M. Kurbskii and tsar Ivan 4. / Edward L. Keenan ; with an appendix by Daniel C. Waugh Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard university press, c1971 Testo Monografico Keene, Henry George The fall of the Moghul empire - an historical essay being a new edition of the Moghul empire from the death of Aurungzeb with many corrections and additions, a map and index Delhi - Oriental Publishers, 1971 Testo Monografico Keisler, H. Jerome Model theory for infinitary logic - logic with countable conjunctions and finite quantifiers / H. Jerome Keisler Amsterdam ; London - North-Holland, 1971 Testo Monografico Keller, Harald 10- Die Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts / von Harald Keller ; mit Beiträgen von Jeannine Baticle ... (ed altri) Berlin - Propylaen, 1971 Incluso in > Propylaen Kunstgeschichte - in achtzehn Banden / herausgegeben unter Beratung von Kurt Bittel ... (et al. Testo Monografico Kemiläinen, Aira «L' Affaire d'Avignon» (1789-1791) from the viewpoint of nationalism Helsinki - Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1971 Incluso in > Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia? Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. #,Series B . Testo Monografico Kempkes, Wolfgang International bibliography of comics literature / ed. by Wolfgang Kempkes Detroit - Gale Research Company ; München-Pullach - Verlag-Dokumentation, 1971 Testo Monografico Kennard, Joseph Spencer The Italian theatre New York - Blom, 1964- . Testo Monografico Kennedy, Charles William The earliest English poetry - a critical survey of the poetry written before the Norman Conquest with illustrative translation / with a new foreword by James P. Pettegrove Totowa - Rowman and Littlefield ; London - Methuen & Company, 1971 Testo Monografico Kennedy, Kieran A. Productivity and industrial growth - the Irish Experience / by Kieran A. Kennedy Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1971 Testo Monografico Kennedy, Michael The works of Ralph Vaughan Williams / Michael Kennedy London (etc.) - Oxford University Press, 1971 Testo Monografico Ker, Neil Ripley Records of All Souls College Library - (1437-1600) Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1971 Incluso in > Oxford Bibliographical Society Publications. #,New Series . Testo Monografico Kerber, Bernhard Andrea Pozzo / von Bernhard Kerber Berlin ; New York - Walter de Gruyter, 1971 Testo Monografico |