Bibliografia Cormundus
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1971

Pagina nr. 1795 di 1842       

Stembridge, Jasper Harry
The Oxford war atlas
Oxford - Oxford University press, 1941- .
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Stendardo, Alfredo
Mio Brasile, addio / copertina di Gian Calvi
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Pongetti, 1971
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Roman et nouvelles / Texte établi et annoté par Henri Martineau
Paris - Gallimard, 1960- .
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Il rosso e il nero / di Stendhal ; trad. dal francese di Attilio Rovinelli
Milano - Sonzogno, 1931
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Stern, Guy
War, Weimar, and literature - the story of the Neue Merkur - 1914-1925
University Park ; London - The Pennsylvania State University press, 1971
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Stern, Henri
Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule / publié sous les auspices de l'Académie des Iscriptions et Belles Lettres
Paris - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1957-
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Stern, Joseph Peter
Idyllis and realities - studies in nineteenth-century German Literature
New York - Ungar Publ., 1971
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Steuernagel, Carl
Hebräische Grammatik - mit Paradigmen, Literatur, Übungsstücken und Wörtervezeichnis
Leipzig - Verlag Enzyklopaedia, 1971
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Steve, Marie-Joseph
L' Acropole de Suse - nouvelles fouilles - (rapport préliminaire) / par M. J. Steve et H. Gasche ; avec la collaboration de A. Caisson
Leiden - E. J. Brill ; Paris - P. Geuthner, 1971
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Stevenson, Ronald
Western music - an introduction / Ronald Stevenson
London - Kahn & Averill, 1971
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Stockholm international peace research institute
The problem of chemical and biological warfare - a study of the historical, technical, military, legal and political aspects of CBW and possible disarmament measures / SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Stockholm - Almqvist and Wiksell, 1971-1975
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Stoeffler, Fred Ernest
The rise of evangelical Pietism / by F. Ernest Stoeffler
Leiden - E. J. Brill, 1971
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Stolpe, Sven
Dag Hammarskjold / Sven Stolpe
Assisi - Cittadella, stampa 1971
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Stone, Richard
Comptabilité démographique et construction de modèles / par Richard Stone
Paris - Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, 1971
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Storey, Charles Ambrose
Persian literature - a bio-bibiographical survey / by C. A. Storey
London - The royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland ; poi Luzac ; poi Oxford - published by The royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland sole agents- Lavis marketing, 1970-
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