Bibliografia Cormundus
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1973

Pagina nr. 1645 di 1857       

Hangestrom, Fjona Han
Un singolare matrimonio - le amiche / Fjona Han Hangestrom
Torino - Taurum, (1973 )
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Hannah, Herbert Bruce
A grammar of the tibetan language - literary and colloquial - with copious illustrations, and treating fully of spelling, pronunciation and the construction of the verb and including appendices of the various forms of the verb / Herbert Bruce Hannah
Delhi - Cosmo publications, 1973
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Hanotiau, Bernard
Les problemes de securite sociale des travailleurs migrants / par Bernard Hanotiau ; preface de Francois Rigaux
Bruxelles - F. Larcier, 1973
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Hansen, Soeren
Il libretto rosso degli studenti - un processo tra cronaca e storia / (Soren Hansen, Jesper Jensen ; ed. italiana a cura di Andrea Martini)
Rimini - Guaraldi, 1973
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Hanson, Earl Dorchester
La teoria di Darwin / Earl D. Hanson
Roma - Editori riuniti, 1973
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Hanzadjan, Sero Nikolaevic
Žaždu - dajte vody / Sero Hanzadjan
Erevan - Ajastan, 1973
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Harbrecht, Wolfgang
Bedeutung und Problematik der Substitutionselastizitaet in der neoklassischen Theorie - Inaugural-Dissertation ...
Erlangen - Offsetdruck-Fotodruck, 1973
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Harcourt, Geoffrey Colin
La teoria del capitale - una controversia tra le due Cambridge / G. C. Harcourt
Milano - ISEDI, 1973
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Harden, Donald
I Fenici / Donald Harden ; traduzione di Irene Giorgi Alberti
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1973
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Hardie, Martin
Water-colour painting in Britain / Martin Hardie ; edited by Dudley Snelgrove with Jonathan Mayne and Basil Taylor
London - B. T. Batsford, 1969- .
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Harding, F. J. W.
Jean-Marie Guyau (1854-1888) - asthetician and sociologist - a study of his aesthetic theory and critical practice / F. J. W. Harding
Geneve - Librairie Droz, 1973
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Harding, James
Gounod / James Harding
New York - Stein and Day, ©1973
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Hardt, Manfred
Die Zahl in der Divina Commedia / von Manfred Hardt
Frankfurt/M - Athenaum, ©1973
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Hardy, George
Society in conflict
Melbourne - Reform Publishing Company, 1973
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Hardy, René
Non era il momento di avere vent'anni - romanzo
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, 1973
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