Pagina nr. 1815 di 1857 |
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Feuille federale Belp (Ch) - Jordi Pubblicazione Periodica Swam, Alfred Julius Russian music and its sources in chant and folksongs New York - W. W. Norton, 1973 Testo Monografico Swartenbroeckx, Pierre Dictionnaire ki-kongo et kituba-français - vocabulaire comparé des langages kongo traditionnels et véhiculaires Bandundu - CEEBA, 1973 Incluso in > CEEBA publications. #,Serie 3. . Testo Monografico Sweetser, Frank L. Metropolitan and regional social ecology of Helsinki Helsinki - Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1973 Testo Monografico Swieten, Gerhard - van Gerardi B. De Van Swieten ... Commentaria in omnes aphorismos Hermanni Boerhaave de cognoscendis, et curandis morbis Venetiis - Typis Jo. Baptistæ Pasquali, 1761-1772 Testo Monografico Symeon - Neotheologus Hymnes / Syméon le Nouveau Théologien Paris - Les Éditions du Cerf, 1969-1973 Testo Monografico Symposia Mathematica (1967-1968 ; Roma) Symposia mathematica London ; New York - Academic Press, 1969- . Testo Monografico Symposium di Salsomaggiore (7. ; 1972) Contributi fisiologici e psicologici alla prevenzione degli incidenti stradali... - Atti del 7. Symposium di Salsomaggiore, 1-2 giugno 1972 Roma - Tip. F. Failli, 1973 ? Testo Monografico Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Data in Science and Technology (1973 ; Parigi) Nuclear data in science and technology / proceedings of the Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Data in Sciences and Technology held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Paris, 12-16 March 1973 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1973 Testo Monografico Symposium on irradiation facilities research reactors (1972 ; Teheran) Irradiation facilities for research reactors / proceedings of the symposium on irradiation facilities for research reactors organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held at Teheran, 6-10 November 1972 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1973 Testo Monografico Symposium on the uses of computers in literary research (2. ; 1973 ; Edimburgo) The computer and literary studies / edited by A. J. Aitken, R. W. Bailey, and N. Hamilton-Smith Edinburgh - At the University press, 1973 Testo Monografico Symposium «Dosimetry techniques applied to agriculture, industry, biology and medicine» (1972 ; Vienna) Dosimetry in agriculture, industry, biology and medicine - proceedings of a Symposium on dosimetry techniques applied to agriculture, industry, biology and medicine / organized by the IAEA ; with the participation of WHO and held in Vienna, 17-21 April 1972 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1973 Incluso in > Proceeding series / International Atomic Energy Agency . Testo Monografico Symposium «Neutron monitorimg for radiation protection purposes» (1972 ; Vienna) Neutron monitoring for radiation protection purposes - proceedings of a symposium on neutron monitoring for radiation protection purposes / organized by the IAEA and held in Vienna, 11-15 December 1972 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1973 Incluso in > Proceedings Series / International Atomic Energy Agency . Testo Monografico Symposium «New developments in radiopharmaceuticals and labelled compound» (1973 ; Copenaghen) Radiopharmaceuticals and labelled compounds - proceedings of the symposium on new developments in radiopharmaceuticals and labelled compounds / organized by the International Atomic Energy and the World Health Organization and held in Copenhagen, 26-30 March 1973 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1973 Incluso in > Proceedings Series / International Atomic Energy Agency . Testo Monografico Symposium «Nuclear power plant control and instrumentation» (1973 ; Praga) Nuclear power plant control and instrumentation 1973 - proceedings of a symposium on nuclear power plant control and instrumentation held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Prague, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, 22-26 January 1973 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1973 Testo Monografico |