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ICC bulletin Rome - International computation centre, 1962- Pubblicazione Periodica International conference on noise in physical systems (6.; 1981 ; Gaithersburg) International conference on noise in physical systems (6. Gaithersburg, 1981) - proceedings... / International conference on noise in physical systems ; edited by P. H. E. Meijer ... ed altri Testo Monografico International conference on sedimentary basins of Mediterranean margins (1980 ; Urbino) Sedimentary basins of Mediterranean margins - proceedings of the C.N.R. international conference on sedimentary basins of Mediterranean margins, held at Urbino university, Italy, October 20-22, 1980 / edited by F. C. Wezel (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - C.N.R. Italian project of oceanography, c1981 Testo Monografico International Congress of Classical Studies (2. ; 1954 ; Copenhagen) Acta Congressus Madvigiani, Hafniae 1954 - Proceedings of the 2. International Congress of Classical Studies - ?Copenhagen August 23-28, 1954, 150. anniversary of the birth of J. N. Madvig? Copenhagen - Munksgaard, 1958- Testo Monografico International congress of physiological sciences (28. ; 1980 ; Budapest) Neurotransmitters in invertebrates / editor K. S. Rosza Oxford - Pergamon press ; Budapest - Akadémiai kiado, c1981 Testo Monografico International course of higher specialization for police forces (3. ; 1980 ; Messina-Roma) Third International course of higher specialization for police forces - subject- Problems of public order ande social progress for policing a free society - Messina-Roma, 16th-18th, October 1980 / organizzato da International centre of sociological penal and penitentiary research and studies, Messina Messina - EDAS, 1981 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions - International office for UBC Commonwealth retrospective national bibliographies - an annotated directory / compiled by the IFLA International office for UBC London - Commonwealth secretariat, 1981 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions - International office for UBC Names of states - an authority list of language forms for catalogue entry / compiled by the IFLA International Office for UBC London - IFLA International Office for UBC, 1981 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions - Working group on corporate headings Forme et structures des vedettes de collectivités / recommandations du Groupe de travail sur les vedettes de collectivités ; approuvées par les Comités de la Section de catalogage et de la Section des publications officielles de l'IFLA ; traduction française établie à la Bibliotheque Nationale Paris - Bibliothèque Nationale, 1981 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions - Working group on uniform headings for liturgical works List of uniform titles for liturgical works of the latin rites of the Catholic Church / recommended by the Working group on uniform headings for liturgical works London - IFLA international office for UBC, 1981 Testo Monografico International Indian Ocean Expedition Collected reprints Paris - Unesco, 1965- . Testo Monografico International labour organisation - Administrative tribunal Jugements du Tribunal administratif de l'Organisation internationale du travail rendus lors de la 45. session ordinaire - novembre 1980 / International labour organization, administrative tribunal Testo Monografico International labour organisation - Freedom of association branch Bulletin officiel / Bureau international du travail. Serie B, Rapport du Comite de la liberte syndicale Geneve - BIT, 1975 - Pubblicazione Periodica International social security association Evolution et tendances de la sécurité sociale / Association internationale de la securité sociale Genève - A.I.S.S., 1959- Testo Monografico International society for applied ethology Proceedings of the ... International congress of the international society for applied ethology Wheathampstead - UFAW Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, 1966- Pubblicazione Periodica |