Bibliografia Cormundus
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1992

Pagina nr. 3029 di 3807       

Hrušcëv, Nikita Sergeevic
Vospominanija - izbrannye otryvki / Nikita Hrušcev ; sostavitel' V. Calidze. -New York - Chalidze Publications
Testo Monografico

Hubatschek, Erika
Bauernwerk in den Bergen - Arbeit und Leben der Bergbauern in Bilddokumenten aus einem halben Jahrhundert / Erika Hubatschek
Innsbruck - s. n. , 1992 (Frangart, Appiano sulla strada del vino - Longo)
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Hubbard, L. Ron
Dianetics - la forza del pensiero sul corpo / L. Ron Hubbard
Milano - New era, ©1992
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Huber, Andreas
Checklists dell'assistenza - manuale di consultazione pratica delle tecniche infermieristiche / Andreas Huber, Barbara Karasek-Kreutzinger, Ursula Jobin-Howald
Firenze - Rosini, 1992
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Huber, Kristina Ruth
Women in Japanese society - an annotated bibliography of selected English language materials / Kristina Ruth Huber ; chapters on women writers and women's spoken language by Kathryn Sparling
Westport etc. - Greenwod press, 1992
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Hubert, Annie
Il cibo che protegge - mangiare bene difendendosi dai tumori / Annie Hubert
Torino - EDT, 1992
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Hubert, Marie-Claude
Histoire de la scène occidentale de l'antiquité à nos jours / Marie-Claude Hubert
Paris - A. Colin, 1992
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Hudolin, Vladimir
Verso un concetto ecologico di salute - esperienze e programmi nel trattamento dei problemi alcolcorrelati / Vladimir Hudolin, Giuseppe Geppini, Lorenzo Zanon
Trento - Centro studi Erickson, ©1992
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Hudon, William V.
Marcello Cervini and ecclesiastical government in Tridentine Italy / William V. Hudon
DeKalb - Northern Illinois university press, 1992
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Hudson Cigno, Kathleen
Servizio sociale e modello comportamentistico / Kathleen Hudson Cigno
Roma - NIS, 1992
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Huebner, Steven
The operas of Charles Gounod / Steven Huebner
Oxford etc. - Claredon press, Oxford, 1992
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Hughes, Maria
Guide to libraries in central and Eastern Europe / compiled by Maria Hughes ; with the assistance of Paul Wilson
London - The British library, 1992
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Hughes, Michael
Early modern Germany, 1477-1806 / Michael Hughes
Basingstoke etc. - MacMillan, 1992
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Hugo - de Folieto
The Medieval book of birds - Hugh of Fouilloy's Aviarium / edition, translation and commentary by Willene B. Clark
Binghamton - Medieval & Renaissance texts studies, 1992
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Hugo, Adèle
Le journal d'Adèle Hugo / introd. et notes par Frances Vernor Guille
Paris - Lettres Modernes - Minard
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