Bibliografia Cormundus
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1994

Pagina nr. 2625 di 4038       

Bullard, Melissa Meriam
Lorenzo il Magnifico - image and anxiety, politics and finance / Melissa Meriam Bullard
Firenze - L. S. Olschki, 1994
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Bullegas, Sergio
Pirandello e Lazzaro - il mito sulla scena / Sergio Bullegas
Alessandria - Edizioni dell'Orso, 1994
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Bullen, Jean Baptiste
The myth of the Renaissance in nineteenth-century writing / J.B. Bullen
Oxford etc. - Clarendon press, Oxford, 1994
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Bullinger, Heinrich
Heinrich Bullinger Werke
Zürich - Theologischer Verlag, 1972-
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Bullock, Wynn (1902-1975)
Wynn Bullock - the enchanted landscape photographs 1940-1975 / poem by Ursula Le Guin ; biographical essay by Raphael Shevelev ; excerpts from the writings of Wynn Bullock
London - R. Hale, 1994 (printed in Italy)
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Bullokar, William
The works / ed. by B. Danielsson and R. C. Alston
Leeds - The University of Leeds, School of English, 1966- .
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Bultmann, Rudolf
Exegetica / Rudolf Bultmann
Torino - Borla, 1971-
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Bundy, Elroy L.
Studia pindarica / Elroy L. Bundy
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California Press, 1962-
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Bungaro, Angelo
... Ultima proda / Angelo Bungaro
Fasano - Schena, stampa 1994
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Bunin, Ivan Alekseevic
Polnoe sobranie socinenij I. A. Bunina
Petrograd - Izd. T-va A. F. Marks
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Bunyan, John
12- The acceptable sacrifice ; Last sermon ; An exposition on the ten first chapters of Genesis ; Of justification by an imputed righteousness ; Paul's departure and crown ; Of the Trinity and a christian ; Of the law and a christian ; A mapp shewing the order & causes of salvation & damnation / John Bunyan ; edited by W. R. Owens
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1994
Incluso in > The miscellaneous works of John Bunyan / general editor Roger Sharrock
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Bunyan, John
13- Israel's hope encouraged ; The desire of the righteous granted ; The saints privilege and profit ; Christ a compleat saviour ; The saints knowledge of Christ's love ; Of antichrist and his ruine / John Bunyan ; edited by W. R. Owens
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1994
Incluso in > The miscellaneous works of John Bunyan / general editor Roger Sharrock
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Buonadonna, Sergio
Guida alla 2. Repubblica / Sergio Buonadonna, Roberto Ginex
Palermo - Arbor, 1994
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Buonanno, Milly
Narrami o diva - studi sull'immaginario televisivo / Milly Buonanno
Napoli - Liguori, 1994
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Buonarroti, Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Il carteggio di Michelangelo / edizione postuma di Giovanni Poggi ; a cura di Paola Barocchi e Renzo Ristori
Firenze - Sansoni ; poi Firenze - S.P.E.S., 1965-
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