Pagina nr. 77 di 4864 |
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New Delhi - International Academy of Indian Culture - Aditya Prakashan, 2001 Incluso in > Dictionary of Buddhist iconography / Lokesh Chandra Testo Monografico 3- COM-ENT Torino - UTET, ©2001 Incluso in > Nova - l'enciclopedia UTET Testo Monografico 3- D-Fa Amsterdam - Elsevier, 2001 Incluso in > Encyclopedia of materials - science and technology / editors in chief K. H. Jurgen Buschov ... et al. Testo Monografico 3- Deachman-Foster, Geo. E München - K. G. Saur, 2001 Incluso in > Canadian biographical archive - CaBa / editor- Laureen Baillie Testo Monografico 3- Ear-eosforos / bearbeitet von Friedhelm Mann ; unter mitarbeit von Volker Henning Drecoll (Appendix 2.) Ruth Mariss (Appendix 3.) Leiden etc - Brill, 2001 Incluso in > Lexicon Gregorianum - Worterbuch zu den Schriften Gregors von Nyssa / herausgegeben von der Forschungstelle Gregor von Nyssa an der Westfalischen Wilhelms-Universitat ; bearbeitet von Friedhelm Mann Testo Monografico 3- Enti-Incl Paris - Dictionnaires Le Robert, c2001 (Varese - La tipografica Varese) Incluso in > Le grand Robert de la langue francaise Testo Monografico 3- Europe-Lampreys Detroit (etc.) - Gale group, c2001 Incluso in > The Gale encyclopedia of science / Kimberley A. McGrath, senior editor ; Stacey Blachford, assistant editor Testo Monografico 3- Fo-Man San Diego etc. - Academic Press, ©2001 Incluso in > Encyclopedia of biodiversity / editor-in-chief Simon Asher Levin Testo Monografico 3- G-M Bristol - Thoemmes Press, 2001 Incluso in > Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae - a general catalogue of all books, tracts, and memoirs on zoology and geology / Louis Agassiz Testo Monografico 3- Haar-Levi New York etc. - Schirmer Books, ©2001 Incluso in > Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians / Nicolas Slonimsky, editor emeritus ; Laura Kuhn, Baker's series advisory editor Testo Monografico 3- Hsiung-Lia Paris ; Taipei - Instituts Ricci ; Paris - Desclée de Brouwer, (2001) Incluso in > Grand dictionnaire Ricci de la langue chinoise Testo Monografico 3- I-M Farmington Hills - The Gale Group, ©2001 Incluso in > Notable scientists - from 1900 to the present / Brigham Narins, editor Testo Monografico 3- Infante de Santiago-Piatkiewicz Madrid - Universidad pontificia Comillas ; Roma - Institutum historicum S. I., 2001 Incluso in > Diccionario historico de la Compania de Jesus - biografico-tematico / Charles E. O'Neill, Joaquin M.a Dominguez, directores Testo Monografico 3- Japanese civil wars of 1331-1392-Peloponnesian wars Pasadena etc. - Salem Press, ©2001 Incluso in > Magill's guide to military history / editor John Powell, managing editor Christina J. Moose, project editor Rowena Wildin Testo Monografico 3- L-R Detroit etc. - Gale Group, ©2001 Incluso in > The Gale encyclopedia of alternative medicine / Kristine Krapp and Jacqueline L. Longe, editors Testo Monografico |