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Kalman, Laura
The strange career of legal liberalim / Laura Kalman
New Haven ; London - Yale university press, c1996
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Kaplin, William A.
The concepts and methods of constitutional law / William A. Kaplin
Durham, NC
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Karatani, Rieko
Defining British citizenship - empire, commonwealth and modern Britain / Rieko Karatani ; foreword by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill
London ; Portland - Frank Cass, 2003
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Karpen, Ulrich
Gesetzgebungs-, Verwaltungs- und Rechtsprechungslehre - Beitrage zur Entwicklung einer Regelungstheorie / Ulrich Karpen
Baden-Baden - Nomos, 1989
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Karpinski, Viacheslav Alekseevich
Struttura sociale e statale dell'U.R.S.S. / V. Karpinski
Mosca - Edizioni in lingue estere, 1949
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Karst, Kenneth L.
Belonging to America - equal citizenship and the Constitution / Kenneth L. Karst
New Haven ; London - Yale university press, copyr. 1989
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Karst, Kenneth L.
Laws promise, laws expression - visions of power in the politics of race, gender, and religion / Kenneth L. Karst
New Haven - Yale University Press, c1993
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Katz, David (1971- )
Juge administratif et droit de la concurrence / David Katz ; preface Loic Grard
Aix-en-Provence - Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2004
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Kavcic, Stane
Caratteristiche fondamentali del nuovo ordinamento costituzionale / Stane Kavcic
Rijeka - Edit, 1963
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Kayser, Pierre
La protection de la vie privee par le droit - protection du secret de la vie privee / Pierre Kayser ; preface de Henri Mazeaud
Paris - Economica, c1995
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Keir, David Lindsay
The constitutional history of modern Britain since 1485 / by David Lindsay Keir
London - Adam & Charles Black, 1975
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Keir, David Lindsay
Costitutional history of modern Britain, 1485-1951 / by David Lindsay Keir
London - A. and C. Black, 1953
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Kelly, Alfred Hinsey (1907- )
The American Constitution - its origins and developments / by Alfred H. Kelly, Winfred A. Harbison, and Herman Belz
New York - W. W. Norton, c1991
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Kelsen, Hans
Allgemeine Staatslehre / von Hans Kelsen
Wien - Osterreichische Staatsdruckerei, 1993
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Kelsen, Hans
La giustizia costituzionale / Hans Kelsen ; a cura di Carmelo Geraci ; premessa di Antonio La Pergola
Milano - Giuffre, stampa 1981
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