Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Costituzione

Pagina nr. 652 di 2622       

Wege und Verfahren des Verfassungsleben - Festschrift fur Peter Lerche zum 65. Geburtstag / herausgegeben von Peter Badura, Rupert Scholz
Munchen - C. H. Beck, 1993
Testo Monografico

Weimar - a jurisprudence of crisis / Arthur J. Jacobson and Bernhard Schlink editors ; translated by Belinda Cooper with Peter C. Caldwell ... °ed altri
Berkeley, CA °etc. - University of California press, c2000
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Weimar e il problema politico-costituzionale italiano / a cura di Fulco Lanchester e Francesco Brancaccio
Milano - Giuffrè, 2012
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Weimar e la crisi europea - economia costituzione politica / a cura di Carlo Amirante, Silvio Gambino
, Cosenza - Periferia 2013
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Welcome to Italy - (la Costituzione italiana in versione multilingue - albanese, arabo, cinese, filippino, francese, rumeno, spagnolo, ucraino)
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) -, 2011
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Welfare community e sussidiarietà / a cura di Sergio Belardinelli
Milano - EGEA, 2005
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Wendemarken in der deutschen Verfassungsgeschichte - Tagung der Vereinigung fur Verfassungsgeschichte in Hofgeismar vom 11.3.-13.3.1991 / red. Reinhard Mussgnug
Duncker und Humblot, c1993
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What did the Constitution mean to early Americans? - readings / selected and introduced by Edward Countryman ; selections by Isaac Kramnick ... (ed altri)
Boston - Bedford / St. Martin's, 1999
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What Roe v. Wade should have said - the nations top legal experts rewrite Americas most controversial decision / edited with an introduction by Jack M. Balkin
New York ; London - New York university press, c2005
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Women and the Constitution - symposium papers / edited by Joyce M. Pair
Atlanta (Georgia) - Communicorp, 1990
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World justice - U.S. Courts and international human rights / edited by Mark Gibney
Boulder - Westview press, c1991
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A world of second chambers - handbook for constitutional studies on bicameralism / edited by Jorg Luther, Paolo Passaglia, Rolando Tarchi
Milano - Giuffrè, 2006
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Writing a national identity - political, economic, and cultural perspectives on the written constitution / edited by Vivien Hart and Shannon C. Stimson
Manchester - Manchester University Press, c 1993
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XV Sinodo diocesano - "Fedeli a Cristo per servire l' uomo" - Costituzioni sinodali / Diocesi di Mazara del Vallo
Mazara del Vallo - Litografia Buffa Damiano, stampa 1996
Testo Monografico

Yearbook ... / University of Rome II, Department of public law
Napoli - Editoriale scientifica, 1989 -
Pubblicazione Periodica